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award awareness button
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award awareness button
Posted by KnutKnut_76 8 Jan 2020 8:51pm

I have played so many good players on this site and I have been impressed with the way other players play and there should be a button that we can press when we play a good game. Something like a double tap button. Anyone on board??

To do what?
Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 12 Jan 2020 11:38pm

What does the button do? Say good game? You can already do that using the drop down in the room chat.

award button
Posted by KnutKnut_76 15 Jan 2020 4:23am

It and good card was player rapping the button in recognition

good play buttoj
Posted by KnutKnut_76 20 Jan 2020 2:07pm

When playing and game and a player recognizes good cards being played they can tap the button

Not digging on it
Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 21 Jan 2020 11:58pm

This sounds like a video game response. Since we are playing cards, we can always say good cards, nice play etc. We don't need a flashy button to express our thoughts. Let's try and use words instead.

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