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Some very sad news today .....
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Some very sad news today .....
Posted by Pearle (moderator) 21 Mar 2019 11:29am

As some of you know, our beloved Tournament Director, DeDe, and player, Duddle, was having some heart issues and was hospitalized. I just learned today that DeDe (Darlene) passed away this morning. I know she had many friends (players and fellow TD’s) and she will be sorely missed. Hosting was the one thing she could put her heart and soul into and would have done it 24/7 if possible. She always did her job with the players foremost in her mind. She wanted EVERYONE to be a winner and loved all of you deeply. We would like to honor Darlene with “IN MEMORY OF … “ tournaments in Gin, Backgammon and Cribbage and all proceeds will be directed to her family in this time of sorrow. Once the tournaments have been set I will update the forum so as many of you players can join us and share some happy memories of Darlene. If anyone would like to make a personal donation, you can do this by sending a contact us asking to donate X amount of tix to the account of DeDe. I am not sure if you all know, but her 99 year old Mum survives her, as does her husband Garry and children and grandchildren, so please keep her family in your prayers.

Posted by GoDiva (moderator) 21 Mar 2019 12:12pm

Such desperately sad news. Dede will be sorely missed by all she touched. She worked so hard to get backgammon going and was justifiably proud of her achievements, but she did it because she loved it and her players. She will leave a huge gaping hole in Game Colony.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 21 Mar 2019 12:14pm

There are very few people who you feel you can really know in this virtual world. But I knew you! You were kind, caring and supportive at all times. I feel privileged to have known you. You will be thought of regularly and missed daily.

Posted by Giants (TD) 23 Mar 2019 12:24am

What a sad day indeed. Dede was one of the TD's that was the glue that held tournaments and players together. Her passion and love for the games and the players was an example for all to emulate. She was always willing to step in to help with advice and would go out of her way to help new players learn the 'ropes'. Many of us will miss her dearly.

Posted by ednacloud (VIP) 4 Sep 2019 6:21pm

Omg so sorry to hear this. Been away for over a year but never forgot Dede.

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