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Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 24 Feb 2019 12:27am

It seems that the world that we live in today lacks civility and polite interactions. I, for one, prefer to play players who at the very least say hi, or gl, or gg, or have a good game. Everyone wants to win. That is not the point. Being civil in the greatest card game ever invented will carry the game to the next generation. Players do nothing to enhance the game or their reputation by being rude or inconsiderate. If you are too frightened to say gl or gg, try hi. You'll be amazed at the player's change of attitude towards you. I know it is easy to try and be anonymous. My suggestion is to be a good sport and enjoy the people and the games. Two letters only. Hi. I'll bet you can do it even if you're mother never taught you how.

Posted by KymB (VIP) 27 Feb 2019 1:15pm

Well said my friend! Hi and GL Hope to see you in Reno

Posted by ACC_Monica (VIP) 28 Feb 2019 11:42pm

I couldn't agree more. I don't expect dialog throughout the game, but and acknowledgment of my existence would be appreciated. I will say that most are decent, fun players. It only takes a few.

Posted by nfld77 20 Mar 2019 11:47pm

My friend, I could not agree more and I'm very happy you posted what you did. It just might mae some realize what a difference just saying hello could make to a person. Who know's, maybe thats just what that person needed, a little bit of politeness. I live in a rural community in Newfoundland, Canada and I guess I just dont now any other way other that to converse with people. I love having a chat with a player, not holding up the game but just something simple like, to ask where they are from or tell them about my Grandkids..It never does any harm in attempting to talk to someone..worst thing that can happen is they not respond..Thanks again my friend and the very best to you and your family!!

Posted by GrumpyGoldCountry (VIP) 21 Mar 2019 3:20pm

Even Grumpy will acknowledge you with a Hi, Mahalo, gl and when game is over a gg, gl or other thanks for the game.

Posted by Board_Sailor (VIP) 23 Mar 2019 7:12pm

Hi Jethrotulll,

Do you know where Bay Roberts is?

Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 27 Mar 2019 10:25pm

I do not, I have never heard of it, but google says it is a small town in Newfoundland and Labrador area. Looks lovely.

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