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Posted by DeDe (TD) 26 Aug 2018 6:54pm

I just want you all to know how much I appreciated seeing so many there for our 1st ( TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPS ) It was exciting and I am looking forward to an even bigger turnout end of next month . Those of you that do not know this tournament is by invite only to all players who have won a tourney in previous month so win a tourney and get your name on list and get to play for the bonus of 15 tixs . WAHOO

Posted by DeDe (TD) 27 Aug 2018 12:51pm

Congrats to our winner ( Cantuvio ) in the 1st tournament of champ on Sunday with bonus 15 tixs . Great turnout 11 players so lets go for double next month !!!!!!!

Tournament of Champs
Posted by zamo27 (VIP) 6 Sep 2018 2:58pm

Well DeDe, to me the TOC did not look as good as it looked for you. No ofense ! Less than one third (1/3) of the players who won a Tourney in July, attended the TOC... Giving the all 15 tixs just for the winner, is not a great idea ! In any sport known so far, played enywhere in the world, the runner up gets something ! Why not in Backgammon - at Gamecolony - is not possible ?...

Anyway, I have another idea (if the one above is not suitable) : since this TOC is a kind of reward for the players who attend the Tourneys, the Webs should let all the Tixs collected as EntryFee, as a full pot for the Winner and Runner up (NO rake). And if more then - let/s say 16 players attend - third and fourth players should get some Tixs too.

Thank you.

PS. I ivite all players that love and attend Tourneys, to vote with a simple YES or NO to idea Number 1 or Number 2.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 7 Sep 2018 11:45am

I agree with your assessment Coco ... 2nd place TOC runner up should get a portion of the Web's Extra Ticket Bonus Payout!

And since they have chosen to increase the entry fee to a TOC rather than keeping it lower so more would be willing to join, I also agree that this is the one tournament where no house rake should be taken and all monies go to the VIPs who played. One tournament once a month devoted entirely to reward the dedicated VIPs - great idea Coco!

Posted by GoDiva (moderator) 7 Sep 2018 12:07pm

Entry fees to a BG D/E are usually 6 tix are they not? So the BG TOC fee is the same as normal.
As a point of interest the bonus is actually more than the surplus tix after payouts until you get a very large number of players.

How about .....
Posted by Pearle 7 Sep 2018 4:32pm

A thank you to the Admin and the TD's for bringing the Tournament of Champions for the players and a thank you to the webs for the extra tix? Just saying ...... A little gratitude goes a long way.

Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 13 Sep 2018 12:52am

Thanks Admin and the Webs for the extra payout and thank you to the hosts for hosting the TOC. Coco I see your point, but I've been on this site for 20 years now and BG has never had 16 players in a tournament. As soon as that happens, I'm sure they'll agree to no rake. Until then, keep recruiting players to play. Since only 1/3 played as you observed, maybe you can encourage more players to play? BTW, 2nd place did get tix in the TOC. Just not a piece of the winning pot. 10 or more players will place 3 players. It has been about 10 or more years since TOC was here. Let's not complain about a new great thing before it even gets started!

Posted by Pearle (moderator) 13 Sep 2018 4:36pm

and thanks for all your support Jethro. It is for players like you and the rest who support the tourneys that we (TD and Admin) are all here!

Good luck everyone!

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