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point games
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point games
Posted by remy (VIP) 14 Jul 2016 11:16pm

I'm kind of new here, I have never played backgammon where there are point games. Do you think there is an advantage to playing multi point games? I'm still figuring out how the Crawford rule works too. I notice a lot of the top players set games at 3pt+, and I was curious why. I have already learned a lot just playing here, and most people have been so nice!

Crawford Rule
Posted by webmistress (moderator) 15 Jul 2016 8:35am

If a player comes within 1 point of a match, the next game is a 'Crawford round' and doubling is disallowed for this subsequent game only. The Crawford rule seeks to avoid giving the losing side an unfair advantage of doubling with no risk involved.

Clarification of Crawford Rule:
When one of the opponents is within 1 pt of winning the match, the answer to the question whether the doubling is allowed or not allowed depends on whether the 'Crawford round' game was played or not.
If a player comes within 1 point of a match, the next game is a 'Crawford round' and doubling is disallowed for THIS ONE subsequent game only.
During the Crawford round, NO doubling is allowed. After the losing side wins that Crawford round game, doubling is again allowed even if the winner is within 1 pt of winning the match.

Posted by remy (VIP) 15 Jul 2016 11:21am

thanks for replying, I have read those rules, I just mean I am still getting used to it in its application. and mainly I was trying to ask, what point games do players like best, and why? is there any more advantage to playing a 3pt/cr than just a 1pt game? does it help to feel out the skill of another player over several points and play accordingly, or do people just like playing longer games?

multi-point matches vs single-point matches
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 15 Jul 2016 2:23pm

Players who are more skilled prefer multi-point matches with default Crawford.
Players who, for some reason, are not comfortable with doubling or multi-point matches prefer simple 1-point matches.

Posted by ZNWV (VIP) 11 Sep 2016 9:06pm

I prefer to play at least a 5 point match. Crawford should always be on. In longer matches, proper handling of the doubling cube (knowing when to double and when to accept or pass) is the biggest factor in determining overall equity.

Posted by remy (VIP) 10 Dec 2016 6:13pm

Thank you ZLough. I was curious to know what types of games the skilled players like to play. I have never had the option of doubling vs not, and I've never played a match before coming here. So I didn't really know which was advantageous or if there was any advantage either way. I'm trying to play smart.

multipoint matches
Posted by unclekerope_FDT (VIP) 8 Mar 2017 11:59pm

Speaking for myself, I prefer multipoint matches without doubling, because that's how I grew up playing the game. I will play the doubling cube though on occasion when playing on someone else's board. Generally speaking, the hope is that over the course of several games, the "true" better player will emerge victorious, since over many games superior strategy will win . That's why I try to avoid single point ticket games.

Posted by remy (VIP) 18 Jun 2017 12:46am

I really appreciate the different perspectives! Thank you! I didn't really grow up with any certain way of playing; I only learned to play 3-4 years ago, so I appreciate any opportunity to learn something new. I have improved a lot since joining this community.

Doubling cube and multi-point
Posted by MagicGames (VIP) 3 Nov 2017 2:16pm

In the past there were many 3 pts cr tournaments. 5 pts cr was tried to get the higher tix players playing but the tournaments took too long and the TDs time was taken up waiting. Now 1 pt matches are good for ladder as anyone can win and it keeps ladder active with many changes. With the luck of the dice, weaker moves can still be rewarded with dice that may only be a 2 rolls out of 36 but that should happen only 2 rolls out of 36. If, however, the 2 rolls out of 36 happens often the games become back and forth and luck will triumph the best plays. The stronger players know the plays that give them "better odds" and therefore better chances to win and thus set up their plays accordingly. They will lose more often to luck rolls but will win more often with "normal" rolls. Therefore, the shorter the matches the more luck can play a big part.

The doubling cube actually magnifies the games and is an integral part of high level backgammon. The stronger the knowledge of when to double and when to take "usually" will provide the better player with a stronger chance to win.

What is misleading however, occurs when a player makes a good double and a weaker player takes hoping to win and he does win when he gets a "miracle' or lucky roll to change the winner. That misleads him into thinking it was a good take and will likely take again in bad circumstances. If the rolls are normal and he then gets gammoned it is 4 pts rather than dropping the cube for a 1 pt loss. Very important to know what you are doing. In 1 pt matches these things do not come up. IT is only a winner and loser with only how to play a roll rather than decisions about the cube.

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