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Java 8 now works with GameColony games with a small GameColony add-on!
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Java 8 now works with GameColony games with a small GameColony add-on!
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 24 Nov 2014 5:21pm

All Windows users can now play at with Java 8 with a very small GameColony add-on script!

Within days, we'd make a GameColony add-on for Mac users as well.

If you have Windows and Java 8 installed, GameColony will ask you to download and run a very small add-on script

The add-on script may ask you to select the user. If so, please select 'Administrator'.

When the add-on reports 'success!', you'd need to restart your browser.

If you update your Java 8 installation, GameColony will ask you to re-run the add-on.

add on
Posted by flower1111 18 Dec 2015 3:43pm

Sometimes I can get into BG with no problem using Java. The next time it wants me to install the add on. I do and still get the same prompt. I've done that and it still won't let me in. What's up?

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