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Please do NOT install the newest Java 8 yet!
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Please do NOT install the newest Java 8 yet!
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 17 Oct 2014 9:44am

Please do NOT install the newest Java 8 yet!

If you have installed it, the games won't work.
You'd need to uninstall Java 8 and then re-install the previous Java 7 from:

For Windows, select 32-bit off-line installation

Posted by LAKE658 (VIP) 18 Oct 2014 1:49pm

wish I had looked on the forum before I spent a week trying to see why I couldn't play. Thanks for letting me know what my problem was. works fine now .Toon

Posted by Bena2 (VIP) 20 Nov 2014 9:28pm

Is there an up-date to this message. Today I lost connection and Java appeared to be preventing me from logging back into the tourney I was playing.I have down-loaded the new version as there didn't appear to be any alternative. This allowed me into the main room but not the tourney room? Thoughts?

Java 8
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 24 Nov 2014 1:16pm

when will GC work on the new Java, my computer tech does not recommend running the old versions I

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