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Play backgammon tournaments online
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Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 9 Apr 2014 11:28am

Might be a longshot ... but could we see if running some tournies for BG is possible? Thanx!

Posted by ingrid221 (VIP) 3 Jun 2014 6:48am

Yes That would be nice.

Posted by SCOPEMAN (TD) 3 Jun 2014 8:29pm

What time tix and what setting would you like to see. I will try if I can.


Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 4 Jun 2014 12:12pm

Well I am a regular gin tourney player, so choices will have to be made But I really would like to see tournaments back in the BG hall. Doesn't GC have a historical formula for starting and interesting new players to join. I think nothing more than $5 until it catches on. And definitely during prime time playing. I really miss them! Thanx

BG Tourns
Posted by jethrotulll (VIP) 5 Jul 2014 12:20pm

I find it interesting that you will see tix players sitting and waiting for games in which there are hundreds of tix at stake, and yet none of those players will play in a $3tix tournament? Cribbage and Gin are not like that.

4pm and 9pm worked before
Posted by MidnightGhost (VIP) 13 Jul 2014 10:38pm

They used to have BG tournaments regularly at 4pm and 9 pm with format either 3 pts CR or 2pts ND for both S/E and D/E. Try 3 or 4 tix for now until the volume increses. Even one per day is better than none.

IF these times are consistent good chance players will plan to play in them once established.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 3 Jul 2015 12:06pm

So even though we are talking about a full year later, I am excited and thankful to GC for bringing back tournament play in the Backgammon Hall. Huge thank you's need to go to the ever-present team of TD's for their diligence. But one newbee TD - DeDe - gets the lion's share of the appreciation for her effervescent and contagiously friendly personality!!!

Posted by pluck2 (VIP) 24 Aug 2015 6:18pm

what does SE and CR abd ND mean?

Hi Pluck2
Posted by Pearle (moderator) 26 Aug 2015 4:58pm

These are abbreviations we use when creating tournaments.
SE = Single Elimination
DE = Double Elimination
CR = Crawford Rule
ND = No Double

Please let us know if you have any other questions!

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Play backgammon tournaments online

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