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It's the right thing to do
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It's the right thing to do
Posted by Orfner (VIP) 10 Nov 2013 12:30pm

I just found out from a trusted friend that our new friend {I hope }wasn't aware that you could play the ladder for free. Now that I know what the deal was, it's only right that I donate back the tickets I won. Just glad GC does provide a way to transfer tickets between players, it's not often we can right a wrong so easily . I hope others who profited from this unfortunate misunderstanding will do the same.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 10 Nov 2013 3:49pm

Wow ... thank you Jeff for doing this. It is indeed the right thing to do! The ultimate question is how many will follow your heartfelt example. I know I will.

Posted by kirk_ (VIP) 10 Nov 2013 7:21pm

well done jeff glad she worked it out .not many of us could work out what was going on well mate ill look up transfer think I played a few myself

WOW!!! You guys are AWESOME!
Posted by Pearle 10 Nov 2013 11:25pm

You guys are the reason I love hosting in the pool room. You ALL have such great sportsmanship and comaraderie and it is truly refreshing to see all these posts/ It only reinforces how I feel about the pool players!!!!

What a great group you are!!!!!!

Right thing to do.
Posted by SilverWaters (VIP) 12 Nov 2013 5:25am

Well Done Jeff, always the fair and kind gentleman, you too Kirk. I notice no one mentions the name of the bully but we all know and love this guy who causes so much hassle on pool yet seems to be favoured. Oooohhhhh La La La La La. Good luck to the lady in question. There are still some great ladies and gentlemen on there who are only too willing to help. Not been on pool for a while hope to be back soon. Hey Stacy, hold the gossip for me lol.

Right thing to do
Posted by fikes 16 Nov 2013 2:59am

thanks. all of you

Posted by kirk_ (VIP) 16 Nov 2013 5:18pm

hi jeff how do u transfer tix ?

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