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"spades challenges"
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"spades challenges"
Posted by sweetcake52 (VIP) 29 Oct 2013 12:25pm

it would be good sportsmanship!!! on my behalf and all the wonderful and and very dear partners i have enjoy playing:::: although!!! we still have those bullies on our spades game who will not give a proper time when they ask of us a challenge!!!and they do not show up!so u may lose rank!so sad on them...please give a time and have good sportsmanship..about others...ty sweetcake52... ps..and i hope those people are good roll models to there young family members!!

About challenges
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 29 Oct 2013 6:05pm

Over the years I've had countless challenges in canasta. As the challenged player I would suggest that you offer the challenger 2 suitable times, with a little notice. If the challenger doesn't show, then do a contact us to game colony, giving them details and asking them if it would be possible to remove the challenge.

Good luck!

Posted by sweetcake52 (VIP) 26 Feb 2014 11:38am

Easter is coming to have fun with our families and friends i truly look forward to that occasion!!""unfortunately"" we have ("devils bunnies") that seems to continue to multiply all through the YEAR!!to distract in any way they think to do to the good players that's here to enjoy!!!!well when you want to hop I"M going to hop higher and im here to stay!!!! your not invisible..the way you act here is the way you are in your real life...succeed in the ladder game!!! and better your skill...of course I"m talking about life....then play us with a positive sportsmanship attitude....sincerely vggs to all my wonderful partners ty!!..sweetcake52........

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