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ACABAR rule in Canasta.
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ACABAR rule in Canasta.
Posted by gp14 25 Sep 2013 5:20am

ACABAR, Spanish for finish. It was used in the 1950s when I played a lot. A person who had a bad hand or was in an impossible position called ACABAR on his turn and gave his opponent 1500 points and the hand was ended. This gave rise to a great deal of thinking on both sides,1 person trying to hide the amount in his hand before his opponent declared ACABAR. The other trying to guess if it was worth giving away1500 points. This rule got rid of the boredom and frustration of a bad hand
Coming back to the game in my late 70s after 58years away I find 2-2-1 a lot more of a matter of what card you get and getting out quick, control of the discard pile is not very important.
2-2-2 is better in that control of the discard pile can yield many points before your opponent goes out.
My game which i like best is 1-2-2 but is shunned by most players to my disappointment. Control of the discard pile is important and involves bluff and double bluff and mind games and I have had many enjoyable games with MINEOTHERS and CALIF DREAMING, but the ACABAR rule would make it better still
In my youth i played with a pack of JOHN WADDINGTON cards , there were no suites just black or white spots . I used to have all the rules which only stipulated 1- 2- 2 and the ACABAR rule.I would dearly love to get hold of a copy of those old rules
Anyway I [GP14] and my sister[FENCEFOOT] and other brother [ROBINMARS] have derived great pleasure from the GAME COLONY site and will continue to fight for 1-2-2
All the best to everyone

it is hard!
Posted by Arynna (VIP) 11 Oct 2013 10:58am

If man accustomed to a style of play, hard to unlearn it anymore.I do not play canasta 221, but I tried and it was ok, but I prefer not setting this.And 122 would be interesting.I've learned so canasta with my friends 122.And from 5000 up points must stoop only canasta! A game to play full 10000.As I said, I do not know how many people would play this setting 122....

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