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keep my wife in prayers
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keep my wife in prayers
Posted by cyclonetom (VIP) 2 May 2013 11:01pm

to al my canasta friends who have prayed for me in past i thank you all greatly and am asking for prayers once again but this time not for e but for my wife who many of you seem to know a lot already. Through a series of tests which came back today she has been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and is facing a pretty serious uphill battle we are still gathering all facts and praying over it now surgery is possible in next week or so or biopsies and chemo either way she is in for a tough fight and we need all prayers we can get family is in full suport mode too thanks to all in advance and will keep posted here and in gameroom too thanks so much again CYCLONETOM

sorry to hear
Posted by HappyChap (TD) 3 May 2013 4:44am

sorry to hear your bad news tom and my thoughts are with with you and your wife, gl in your fight against cancer, am hoping to hear good news at a later date so you and your wife can spend many more years of happiness together

Dear Tom and wife
Posted by Spicii (TD) 4 May 2013 8:23am

This is so much to bear but keep your faith, remember love, and you are both in this together with your family. I fought cancer 3 times, there are so many new treatments, faith in God and love will bring you both through this. Hugs to you both, Spicii

Posted by BerNic (VIP) 4 May 2013 9:46am

don t know your wife but keeping in my thoughts and saying prayers for her and all the family Nicole

Thank you
Posted by cyclonetom (VIP) 4 May 2013 4:13pm

Thank you for notes and prayers will keep posted as more is known

So sorry
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 4 May 2013 7:21pm

So sorry to hear your news Tom, my very best wishes go to you and your wife.


Thank you
Posted by cyclonetom (VIP) 1 Jun 2013 9:54pm

Continue prayers she has been in hospital last few days side effects from chemo pray a one time thing or may have to consider other treatment options if this is a persistent problem will keep updated as can is why have not been on much this week

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