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Keep in prayers
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Keep in prayers
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Mar 2013 2:07am
Back in hospital again checked in tonight coughing up blood in large amounts running tests now won't be on to play for a while all keep in prayers as not sure what happening good news is don't think is heart related still serious issue so once more keep in prayers will keep updated here as to what is happening thank to all in advance
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Mar 2013 5:32pm
Cyclone, I will keep you in all my prayers, and I hope that you will heal and be well. God Bless, BlueSun
my prayers are with you
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Mar 2013 5:58pm
Hi,tom sorry to hear your sick lots of prayers coming your way will light a candle for you hugs maxine...........
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Mar 2013 7:38pm
Thank you think drs have under control mstter of clearing some pnumonia away will take time hope to go home Friday if all goes well
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Mar 2013 3:26am
Thank you so much may go home Friday if all well
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Mar 2013 6:12am
So sorry to hear that Tom. Hope you DO get out tomorrow. We're feeling a bit better now, and I think a trip across the pond will be in order in a few weeks.
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Mar 2013 1:15pm
Thank you doing better should go home hope tomorrow or Saturday. At latest I agree trip will be good you need each other now
Glad the news is better
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Mar 2013 5:25pm
Rottie just let me know that you were back in the hospital , so glad to hear that you are better and will be coming home. Glad that you are keeping us informed because your GC frieds really care about you a lots. Its funny that some of our best friends we have never met in person but we hold them so dear in our hearts. You are so right about Stage and her daughter they need to hold each other and heal. hope you get back home soon . cu back in canasta. Faye
Prayers Tom
Posted by
(TD) 28 Mar 2013 5:42pm
I see you are back in hospital but the best of care there for you. My prayers for a speedy recovery and see you back here to play. My prayers also for your family, they are a great support group for you. Hugs, Spicii
Posted by
(VIP) 29 Mar 2013 12:28am
As told stage barring any late complications will be going home Friday it is very true about group here being such friends feel like 2nd family in so many ways everyone here is so kind and caring even though I am a relative newcomer all have made me feel so welcome and accepted Hugs and appreciation to all again tom
came home this afternoon
Posted by
(VIP) 29 Mar 2013 8:06pm
to all who extended prayers and well wishes thank you so much came home about 5pm this afternoon with restrictions willgo to dr tuesday hopefully back to work soon after again to all thank you so much
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Apr 2013 11:58am
My dear Tom, am so sorry to hear from Pauline your woes and asked her to pass on my thoughts and regards. I have not been around for a few weeks but hope to me be on-line more this week, and will chat then. In the interim, keep your chin up and thinking of you.
thank you friend
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Apr 2013 11:16pm
Thank you so much all seems to be ok now was thankfully not heart related was lung pnumonia fairly mild got to hospital and treated early before spread to heart or worsened was in hosp abt 72 hrs go to dr in morning to check on it will keep posted look to see you soon
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