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Posted by cyclonetom 4 Feb 2013 9:48am

Have had a long battle with heart issures since had first coronary in 2000 was not quite 35 then have had 3 more since with stents placed last in 2007. However in november 2010 started having far more serious troubles with congestive heart failure lung and kidney troubles as well t that time they drs were discussing dialysis oxygen tank and heart transplant all at once my cardiologist had even refered me to mayo clinic for initial transplant consultation but he first refered me to a friend of his a heart failure specialist in kansas city mo about 200 miles from where i live. He was aable through some tests to catch a virus that was in my system that ws at that time causng most of problems and was able to get away from all that have had flareups off and on until what happened back in december detailed in forum had anothervirus on aorta were talking open heart surgery but was able to avoid that again soomg story short have had long battle and definitly firsthand understand what spici has dealt with this last one more med issue and adjustment but haveto be wary at all times w my past ty for note always nice hope to see you soon

Posted by cyclonetom 4 Feb 2013 2:49pm

That was why did not see me in game room for abt 2 weeks in early dec was in hospital then could chat in forum but would not let me in game room to play without details here can see what went on in forum post first sent to me from nutty was quite scary ordeal for awhile

Posted by cyclonetom 4 Feb 2013 2:51pm

1st sent nov 29

Posted by LAKE658 (VIP) 19 Feb 2013 5:41am

I had know idea that you were having such serious problems. You brought tears to my eyes. You have such a positive out look and that is so important. Look at all of the prayers going up for you Things can only get better. Please keep us all informed. xxxx Toon

Posted by cyclonetom 23 Feb 2013 12:45pm

Thank you so much your note brought tear to my eye too has been long battle over last nearly 13 years but still hanging in there have ya tremendous medical team that without them as well as great support system in family and others. Have made many right here and have been tremendously surprised at how so many care is almost like an extended family and I as well as my wife thank everyone so much it really means a lot hugs to you thank you again see you for a game soon

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