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Congratulations Nutty!
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Congratulations Nutty!
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 1 Feb 2013 12:57pm

Well done to the nuttiest canasta player for getting to #1 for the first month of the new year. I look forward to beating you in our next encounter!

Posted by JiggyBolls (VIP) 1 Feb 2013 1:04pm

Thanking you, thank you, thank you. I will take a nutty bow*.

(*not least as i like a dinner jacket..... yes yes yes, not many but Pauline would get that)

However i was very lucky. There were 3 tournaments that morning. My little sweet pea, Toon568, beat the number #1, 2 AND 3 rankers in the first tournament to attain #1. A magnificent grand slam win that one, and showing a true champion.

The great, and gracious, player Arynna played also later, taking #1 in the second of tournaments.

However the final of the last of the tournaments ended between Toon and myself. We were ranked 3 and 2 respectively, with Arynna as #1. Either Toon or myself would win this final and would take the month end #1 slot. I got lucky, and apologies to both Toon and Arynna.

However, i feel the month end ranking belonged to Toon.

As some of you are aware, my father died late last year after a 6 month period from diagnosis to death. He suddenly had a rare form of leukemia and shortly after died. This is why I joined GC and was on here so much in late last year, as had moved to be with my parents and i gave up my job for a year to 'do the right thing'.

I now donate monthly to the amazing hematology unit where he was being treated.
I am now donating the sterling equivalent (i.e. donating £20 as direct conversion from $20 and, thus = $32 in total) of my month end's winnings there also.

It would be nice if the #1 winner donated 50% of their win (i.e. $10) ..... thus bringing their winnings down to the #2 slot..... but they have the privilege of being the #1, and donating this difference to a charity.

Just an idea.

Finally, truth time from me. Sadly TOO many of you have been on the brunt end of my harassing you for not being polite players. I feel many of you are disingenuous for saying "gl' when you do not mean it and quit in a sulk if you lose - with no thank you, goodbye, nor even an acknowledgment to the hosting td.

Be nice, say hello and goodbye. That is all that is needed. Do not be false, but be polite.

I tell many of you off for bad manners, as I call it ignorance ....... But at least i let you know and am, thus, very true.

I am a lawyer and forensic expert witness in High Court trials, specialising in tracing money laundering and fraud related to terrorism. In this, our two countries unite.

Try being "nice" all day, it will make a nice life whilst making others in your life a darn sight happier and appreciative of you. Having you in it would, therefore, make the world a nicer, brighter place.... one in which others would like to live.


And, Trust me.

Finally (!), my thoughts to cyclonetom. A true gentleman, gracious loser and a pleasure to know (he must be of English stock!!).

Your (albeit nutty) #1. xx

Posted by cyclonetom 1 Feb 2013 5:08pm

Also congrats on #1 and thank you for kind words and as told stage once just happen to have whole British isles covered as mom is scotch Irish and dad English welsh so got the whole package with me see you soon

no 1
Posted by BerNic (VIP) 1 Feb 2013 6:47pm

congratulation on your win, you are a great champion

the best!
Posted by Arynna (VIP) 2 Feb 2013 3:27am

Congratulations and I always like to go into competition with the best! Respect all players, but do not understand why some people are so passionate that no goodbye do not take if I lose the game Learn to lose and smile, everything will seem much easier!

Posted by LAKE658 (VIP) 2 Feb 2013 7:42am

I sent you a message but it hasn't shown up yet. when I hit submit it told me only registered players could use the forum . Lets see it this one makes it if so I will try and resend the first one XXXSweetpea

lovely jubbly
Posted by JiggyBolls (VIP) 2 Feb 2013 6:08pm

what a "nice" lot of people i know here, thank you.

Posted by susan13 (VIP) 4 Feb 2013 2:53pm

hey rev congrates didnt know you won till today your friend maxine

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