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Posted by cyclonetom 30 Jan 2013 11:27pm

To all who responded so kindly to me before and everyone keep in prayers again as am having more serious issues again and may be checking Into hospital again depends on what happens next 12 to 24 hours may be not serious but with recent struggles don't want to take any chances will keep all posted

Hi Tom
Posted by Spicii (TD) 31 Jan 2013 7:10pm

Prayers are being sent Tom, I know things are up and down with health issues, but you sound positive and on top of things. You take care, give wife an extra hugs and get well my friend. Spicii

Posted by cyclonetom 31 Jan 2013 7:41pm

Once got home was fine think it was weather quite cold windy and medication issue talkedover with cardiac nurse on phone think we got it quick before got worse thank you so much for prayers how are you doing?

Posted by JiggyBolls (VIP) 1 Feb 2013 8:27am

thoughts, wishes, hugs, love and nuttyiness to you.
missed you yesterday sorry, i came looking a few times for you. sorry, if you were there. xxxx

Posted by cyclonetom 1 Feb 2013 4:48pm

Thank u nutty all is fine now must have just missed connections see you soon will be on and off around work schedule through Tuesday lets look for each other

Posted by cyclonetom 1 Feb 2013 7:34pm

as stated in stage's post congrats on #1 also ty so much for kind words sry dont chat much just very slow typist dont want to hold up games in reference to english stock s told stage once gave her good laugh i have whole british isles covered as mother is scotch irish and fatger now deceased happened when i was 5 heart disease so fighting same battles now myself have been for 13 years now since first coronary in 2000. His ancestry is english welsh so like told stage have whole uk covered lol If can ever get where can want to go to uk and trace both ancestries as well as take in history as well as am close to completing history masters degree but health keeps sidetracking me as have keen interest in history of that part of world if ever do get there could use aood tour guide

Posted by LAKE658 (VIP) 2 Feb 2013 7:38am

Hi Tom , I did not realize that you were having problems until I just read this post. What is going on with your heart. It runs in my family also and my husband has had 4 heart attacks and by pass surgery, and just had a defibulator put in. I know how scary it is.
I am a slow typer also so I don't chat much either so if you want to chat with me we can be as slow as we want to be LOL
Hope by the time you read this all will be right and you have recovered. Wlll say a prayer for you. Toon

Posted by Arynna (VIP) 2 Feb 2013 12:43pm

Hope your life hoping illusion because it is the only real thing you have!Instead of harsh reality is better hope!take care....

Hope is the last spark is extinguished in all hearts-Alexandre Dumas

my prayers are with you
Posted by susan13 (VIP) 4 Feb 2013 2:57pm

HI,tom just read the forum my prays are with you my friend, going to church to light you a candle god will take care of you hugs maxine

Posted by cyclonetom 5 Feb 2013 12:44pm

thank you so much that means a lot to me

Posted by cyclonetom 5 Feb 2013 12:46pm

toon ty for kind note left note for you in separate post if you see this or it first

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