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Tournament Games Times & Settings
Posted by Katlynne (VIP) 19 Nov 2012 1:28am

Can we please have some more early morning tourney like 6am and in the other settings of 4000 2 0 2 3fw or 4000 2 2 2 3fw and even a couple of 5000 2 2 2 3fw games like in the old days. As most people know these settings and can play them and it takes more skill than a 1 canasta game where it is mainly the luck of the cards... I would play more tourneys if there were more of these settings. When Rottie was doing it a lot would come... I know it takes more of the TD's time. So i would really appreciate it if some could please be done. Thanks Lynley

Posted by JiggyBolls (VIP) 19 Nov 2012 8:39pm

here here!
i posted a similar post but it never appeared?!
there are equal players of 2 canasta as 1 canasta, and like with the olympics, there is more than one medal and recognition for running than just the 100m sprint.
those with stamina need to be acknowledged!

Posted by JiggyBolls (VIP) 19 Nov 2012 8:42pm

but forget the 3fw however - that is a gimmick for children - reminds me of inflatable in the sidelines for bowling - ensures you get a hit and not go home without scoring a home goal!

Posted by Spicii (TD) 20 Nov 2012 6:25pm

I appreciate all input from players and i will try and do more. I had so many cancels so thought I would wait to hear from players. I will do more 2-2-2 and also , you wuld like some 5 tix tours also? higher??? 1 or 2 a day?? Keep up the good work in keeping canasta flowing, Ty all, Spicii

5 tix would be great
Posted by Katlynne (VIP) 21 Nov 2012 1:45am

Hi Spicii Thanks that would be great .. early morning I can do like 6am or otherwise I can do 8pm Gc time most days. Especially my weekend so your friday nights I can do from 6pm and through to 7am your sunday morning. It is 5pm here on Wednesday and is 2am Wednesday GC time... So that is our time difference and *I do the school run all weekday mornings. Thanks so much really appreciate it.. and some 2-o-2 games 5000 is great but 4000 is still wonderful as I know it is time consuming for you then.. x

Posted by JiggyBolls (VIP) 21 Nov 2012 11:26am

i guess the counterbalance is fitting in the time zones. they are many europeans and many antipodeans (the down under lot you you and me) who would like to play.
europe is 5 or 6 hours ahead of EST, where as our furry wallabys and NZ sheep are 15-16 hours ahead.
SO 5pm EST = 10/11pm europe = 8-9am down under
so 5pm EST is latest for europeans,and 3pm is earliest for anitopeans...

yes time difference is confusing
Posted by Katlynne (VIP) 21 Nov 2012 6:03pm

You are so funny revenge... I go with the idea of Bena to have a time converter on here on gc so that we can all be a lot more aware for challenges and also for tournaments. The ones posted are 4pm and 5 pm that I see and I cannot do those as it is school run time.... 7pm gc time onwards is great for me my weekdays 4pm is ok my weekends - your friday and saturday ...or very early morning gc time...

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