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Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 20 Apr 2012 7:10pm

Dear Fellow VIPs,

I am sooooo tired of the back biting and gossiping that has been going on in this room. I njoy spades and have since b4 most of u were ever here! But I swear lately, there's a ton of inuendos, character assassinations and out-and-out lies being generated by a few bad apples. I am not working the ladder with anyone. I have not made friends with some and not others. I just come to play and climb the ladder. But the fun is being sucked out of it by a handful of mouthers. Please try to refrain yourselves from ruining this room for the enjoyment of all. I apologize to anyone who has felt slighted because I haven't given them the greeting or goodbye they prefer. But this is no reason to be rude, difficult and nasty. Letz play like the adults we supposedly are and have FUN!!!!!!!!

Is that possible?


Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 24 Apr 2012 2:04pm

Yeah, if I were the rest of you, I wouldn't dare chance any response to the above for fear you may be tainted, marked and/or identified. Not a problem. I can report that, although I have no specific proof to stand on, I can feel a difference developing in the room. This can only be interpreted as a good thing. Thank you.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 29 Apr 2012 6:04pm

I've been monitoring the challenge notes and it amazes me that people are so negative when someone places a challenge on them. I place challenges on people who never turn me down. I also place challenges on people who never want to play me. I place challenges on people above me on the ladder as well as strategic challenges on people who are below me. The ability to challenge others is simply a tool for playing the ladder. It doesn't have to be negative, vengeful, deemed abusive or wasted effort. It's a TOOL. So lighten up folks and put on a happy face. It won't hurt you I promise.

"to the bullies"
Posted by sweetcake52 13 May 2012 1:00am

i really dont know the ends and out of the game but i will say im on here as a grown adult...and i happened to read some of these messages!!! i agree..this is only for fun have to be very silly to think you can intimadate a person..are bullie a person on this site or any other!!!! you here about kids being bullied..and they sadly kills them very respected yourself...and be a exsample hopefully the young people that should looked up ay you not down at please get a good clue..the few bad apples...

to the" bullies"
Posted by sweetcake52 19 Aug 2012 10:25am

I still play and will contenue, to enjoy my spades game although........ those bad apples, that believe they have play the intimadation game role on site!!!!! ever.let the people in your real life,,,looks up to you!!! not down on you!!!! (to the bullie)....because u are invisable to meeeee!!!!,,,,thank you! sincrely....sweetcake52,,,,,with a smile......

Posted by LADY_AWE 25 Feb 2014 11:51pm

Well it has been brought to my attention that maybe the above posts should be spot-lighted once again. Pert near a year later and some of you continue with tudes that are abrasive and leave folks feeling uncomfortable. I've been hanging elsewhere on the site lately because the "fun" factor was dwindling here in spades. But then again, I am a diehard ... so, I'M BACK TO REIGN WITH THE BEST OF YOU! Please identify yourselves, cuz quite honestly, I don't c u.

Great Relief
Posted by annaprice (VIP) 23 Jun 2014 1:19pm

I'm very relieved to hear those above notes. I love the game. keep it heated. Some players have been very rude to me, they won't play me. I do feel bullied and have been called a "B". I didn't report it. I can't understand, if you don't chat with anyone, how can they think you are mean or acting funny. KEEP HEATING IT UP !

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