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Canasta Tourneys
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Canasta Tourneys
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 20 Apr 2012 6:50pm

Where are the canasta tourneys?

Posted by LAKE658 21 Apr 2012 12:41am

I agree with Blue. Why do we not have any Tourneys for the whole weekend?

Posted by KitKat (TD) 21 Apr 2012 8:43am

I have been posting tourneys for the weekends in the time periods that blue requested and a few others as well, about half of them I had to cancel. I will continue to put them in for you on weekends as my time permits. Is anyone interested in a bit higher entry fee double elimination tourney for weekends? Suggestions are always welcome.

I agree with Jeff
Posted by 1okaylady (TD) 21 Apr 2012 6:04pm

I have had tourneys the past few days and they have cancelled with the exception of a wta. Everyone needs to check the schedules during the day, even if you don't see one at the time. Because some of the TD'S will schedule as their day permits.

Canasta tourneys
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 21 Apr 2012 8:10pm

Jeff & Okay.... Thank you for your efforts. It is much appreciated. I check tourney schedule often and play as many tourneys as I can. Thanks,BlueSun

DE Tourneys
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 21 Apr 2012 8:15pm

Jeff, just my opinion....but DE tourneys usually take a while to play, so most of the time,ONE canasta works better because players that win early don't have to wait so long for their next games. With 2 canasta DE tourneys, I have had a three game wait before....and even a 2 game wait with 2 canasta can take 30 minutes or so. Anyway, you asked for suggestions....
I do intend to play the DE tomorrow at 5....
I just wish it was one canasta instead of two.
I don't know what other players think, but that's my two cents worth.
I Personally LOVE THE DE tourneys !!!!
Thanks, BlueSun

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