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whos who ?
Posted by kirk_ (VIP) 11 Apr 2012 6:19pm

hi everyone enjoying my games here meeting loads pool players like to no whos who putting names to usernames so all u friendly ladies and gentlemen out there come here and say hello anyway my names bill take care x

Hi bill
Posted by Orfner (VIP) 12 Apr 2012 5:23am

My name is Wadsworth Thantos Fudpucker Nice to meet you. I keep a notepad list for names of players to help my terrible memory, but some ppl change names so often or have several, it's a challenge to keep it all sorted lol.

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 12 Apr 2012 11:49am

Hi Bill and welcome! You should meet my friend Pinky in Spades. She maintains an excel sheet to keep up with me and others. And try as I might, she eventually always finds me out! I will give you a hint tho, njoy is my signature greeting. So NJOY.

LadyAwe (LA) aka Patti

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At you can play games of skill only -- play for free or play for $prizes!. According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!).   The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.
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