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Lawrie and Jane
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Lawrie and Jane
Posted by Orfner (VIP) 21 Mar 2012 4:46am

Just hoping you both are recovering ok, and hoping to get an update on you two. Best wishes for you both.

Re Jane
Posted by SilverWaters (VIP) 22 Mar 2012 6:11am

Hi its Lawrie here. Thank you for ur messages re Jane, also your latest message StJoe. Jane is still in hospital. They are happy with the state of her lung now, however her immune system has gone pop and she has shingles around her face and head at the moment she is not a happy bunny. The stitches were removed last week so she looks less like a patchwork doll lol. I will be visiting again this afternoon and will copy your message to pass on to her. Thank you once again. Regards Lawrie. ps im fine now thanks.

Posted by POPPETT 24 Mar 2012 11:19am

Hugs to Jane and so glad you are ok now Laurie!!
Hmmmpatch work Jane..good playing name!!
Prayers flying your way!!!
Love ya both!

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