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Prayers for Alan - phoenix riser
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Prayers for Alan - phoenix riser
Posted by Katlynne (VIP) 23 Dec 2011 10:39pm

Hello All, so sorry to bring sad news at this time. I just found out last night that Alan is in very critical condition in hospital.. It is touch and go and is in a coma... i dont know exact details yet.. but sending prayers his way... I know some of those close ot him would like to know

Thank you Dove
Posted by Spicii (TD) 24 Dec 2011 12:06pm

A friendship is a blessing and Alan was a good friend. We shared gardening,butterflys and many nice conversations. My prayers are for a good friend, a caring man and so gracious. God will look out for Alan and ty Dove for letting us all know. Merry Christmas to all and praying for all that are ill.Hugs, Spicii

Distressing news
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 24 Dec 2011 12:57pm

All my very best wishes go to the man I played hundreds of games with, the one who really taught me to play canasta. Alan still has many many friends here with very fond thoughts of him. May he rise from his coma and return to us here someday.

Praying for Alan.
Posted by philk (VIP) 25 Dec 2011 5:50am

One of my dearest friends here in game colony. May God's healing hands be with my dear friend at this time. Please let his family know that he is in my prayers. Thank you lynley. Phil.

Christmas Prayer for Alan
Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 25 Dec 2011 9:25am

My prayers go out to Alan and his family. We had lots of great games here on Game Colonly. Have missed him being here and was not aware he was ill. I pray that you will recover and come back to us here soon.


Thank You All so Much
Posted by Katlynne (VIP) 27 Dec 2011 12:10am

Thank you all so much. I know Alan felt that he had very special friends here who had helped him through his hardships and it was you who kept him going and being positive. I have asked his family to read out all of your wishes and that Gods will he hears that through his coma state and they are keeping them there so he may read them in person when he comes through. I am sorry I cannot give you any further information as the family are keeping it very private even i am not allowed to go to him. So my prayers are with you .. and hopefully he will feel the love from all of us... thank you so much againxx Lynley

God help Alan
Posted by evelyn111 30 Dec 2011 12:05am

I am very sorry to hear that. He was a very good friend and a very good canasta player.Hope my prayers will find Him.We all need Gods help.
By this way Happy New Year for all of you!

Phoenix Riser--Dove of Peace
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 13 Jan 2012 5:56pm

Do you have an update regarding Phoenix?
I, too, have enjoyed many, many exciting and challenging games with Phoenix--
who is always such a gentleman and
always in such good spirits.
My thoughts and prayers have been with him and his family--
I pray that like the Phoenix he takes his name from,
he will pull through and rise above his current health difficulties.

my prayers are with you
Posted by susan13 (VIP) 21 Jan 2012 5:07pm

I am sorry,but god will take care of him,hes in his hands,my prayers go out to his family,there are miracle everyday keep the faith you fight alan we are with you take care maxine

Sorry for the delay and news
Posted by Katlynne 22 Jan 2012 9:52pm

Hi to all Alans special friends here. I am very sorry for my lateness in updating you but i have been in hospital myself and very ill. I don't know how to say this except the truth.. Alan didnt make it through the coma. His funeral was while i was in hospital and so so very sadly i couldnt even make it myself which hurts me deeply. I did pass on to his family that his family at gamecolony cared very much for him and passed on my condolensces on behalf of everyone here and also did a card from all those i knew were close to him and included you all in our flowers. I dont know what else to say. except i know that you all meant a lot to him and he spoke often of how much his friends here meant to him .. i am sorry to have to share such sad news. Lynley

my friend's passing.
Posted by philk (VIP) 23 Jan 2012 12:24pm

Thank you lynley for updating us on Alan's passing. This is a very big loss to us here in game colony. We all know now that he is looking over us watching every card we play with a smile on his face. Alan was a good friend of mine and many others here.
He is now in God's hands now. Hope you are okay Lynley. I will be praying for you. God bless to you and Alan's family. Phil.

Sad news
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 23 Jan 2012 4:34pm

Sad news indeed to learn of the loss of one of the best loved players here. I've missed playing with him and hoped to see his return. A great loss.

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 24 Jan 2012 7:12am

I had hoped to see Alan rise from his coma and come back to us here. Now I guess I will play canasta someday again with him in person in a better place. We send our friend off to Heaven.


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