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TDs Monitoring Tourneys
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TDs Monitoring Tourneys
Posted by
(VIP) 9 Dec 2011 4:46pm
Although most TDs are SUPER, sometimes TDs are NOT available during a tourney. I personally have had questions or situations come up that as a player I need a TD, but TD DOES NOT respond until MUCH LATER. Obviously, TD is NOT MONITORING the tourney. I know it might be boring for TDs during tourneys as players play games, however, if problems come up, players often need immediate support from TDs. Usually things do go smoothly and with experienced competitors, we usually just go on. For example, last two players waiting for TD to call out who vs. who, and the last two players are veterans, I know that we will just look at brackets and whoever is in top bracket goes ahead and sets. However, if by chance one of the two final players is not a veteran tourney player, I have had to WAIT and WAIT for TD to say who vs. who for the final game or just for next game sometimes. Anyway, like I said, MOST TDS SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRR, Hope this will make that situation better. THANK YOU TDs FOR ALL THE GREAT TOURNEYS !!!! Keep up the GOOD WORK.
You Have Got to be Joking
Posted by
(VIP) 10 Dec 2011 7:28pm
Blue, we have the best TD's ever looking after us. Especially Rottie, doing her utmost to do settings that make everyone happy. I have seen that you have a lack of patience and a lot of times if you lose just leave the table in a huff. I know a lot of us dont care if we need to wait a few minutes, maybe the TD not being a machine needed a quic toilet break. A couple of times i have been a couple of minutes late to a tourney and have been SO appreciative that the TD has waited those extra minutes though i have heard you complain about this. Life and these games are fun and nothing in life runs absolutely perfect to time. I know i speak for a lot of us when we say "We have no complaints AT ALL just lots of praise for the TD's that look after us.. Lynley
You REALLY have got to be joking
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Dec 2011 8:32am
So surprised by your negativeness..... If this same thing had not been happening consistently......... especially with one particular TD, I wouldn't have brought it to this Forum. So maybe it doesn't happen that often when you play. And, I don't leave a tourney in a huff..... I just leave whether I've lost by 10 points or 1,000 points. That's just how I do. And, by the way, most EVERY PLAYER I PLAY IN TOURNEYS, when they lose, THEY JUST LEAVE. And, I could care less about that one way or the other. So, in this Forum that issue has been brought up over and over again. It's really a NONISSUE as far as I'm concerned because I'm going to leave a tourney when I lose....PERIOD....and probably not say anything....JUST LIKE 85 percent of other players do when they lose in a tourney. I've always --in five years or so I've played on GC---ALWAYS just left after tourneys. It's NOTHING PERSONAL to anyone. It's just what I do. And if other players leave when they lose and don't say anything...I could care less. As to tourneys starting on time........ Tourneys are SUPPOSED to START ON TIME.... And, in this Forum the Webmaster has even issued a statement about Tourneys starting on time. There was previously an issue (and may still be, I don't know) about players in other tourneys and then TDS waiting for those players to finish or players waiting and waiting to see who had joined a tourney BEFORE joining and it was causing a problem because tourneys were starting later and later. (Also, Personally, I feel like at times there may be some favoritism towards certain players about a TD waiting for a particular player.....That's what I've noticed anyway about one TD in particular. Anyway, starting tourneys within two minutes of start time eliminates that issue.) So TOURNEYS pursuant to the WEBMASTER's INSTRUCTIONS ARE SUPPOSED TO START ON TIME. That's not me, that's the Webmaster who stated that in this very FORUM. HOWEVER, when an issue comes up and TD is NOT available in tourney to address.....NOW THAT IS AN ISSUE. And, it has consistently happened especially with one particular TD (and, out of respect...I did not name that TD). So, I addressed the problem in this Forum as respectfully as I could. TDs should monitor tourneys........ That's my point. I'm sorry you feel so negative about my comments. I only bring up issues that I feel should be addressed especially if issue could cause problems in a tourney.....WHEN MY TICKETS ARE ON THE LINE. In tourneys, it's my MONEY I'm playing with, and I feel like I have a right to speak up to try to make things better for all players. When it's my money, I'm going to say something whether that makes me unpopular or not with other players. As I stated before TDS thank you for all the GREAT TOURNEYS and THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK. BlueSun
Canasta Tourneys
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Dec 2011 10:53am
It seems to me that far from being negative, Dove was being very positive. And my experience at the end of a game is very different to yours Blue. People tend to treat us in the way we treat them in my opinion. As for TD's hard work, I know you have played canasta a little longer than myself, but can you honestly remember a time when there were this number/variety of tourneys? I for one am grateful.
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Dec 2011 1:39pm
You have 5 minutes before any problems. If a TD cannot answer your issue straight away it will be answered. In a tourney everyones tickets are on the line. I have been playing around 10 years and this is the best it has ever been in so many ways. It is a very happy family here and no cheaters, no manipulaters and wonderful TD's. If a TD had a hassle and couldnt show like the other day Rottie put in effort and found one for us so our tourney could go on.... There is just no need for complaints. Lots of things are meant to start at a certain time but we cannot control everything and I am sure the Webmaster is aware of that. If it was because of blatant slackness then yes it is something to complain about and the webmaster would back that up. But there is no slackness here. Very much the opposite.
Posted by
(VIP) 11 Dec 2011 2:00pm
Dove certainly was not negative but I would say looking more on the positive side seeing all the good things that TDs do . We are all here for the challenge of the game but more important we should have fun and meet different players and get a break from the problems that life itself holds.Hugs to Rottie and all the other TDs that are so great and make everyone feel so welcome Thank you from me and I am sure I speak for other players Darlene
Posted by
(VIP) 12 Dec 2011 1:58pm
Sorry NOT everybody CAN be PERFECT, we are HUMAN and PRONE to MISTAKES, though WITH that BEING said, I certainly HAVE made ENOUGH for A large SHARE of PEOPLE. regardless IN the SHORT time I have BEEN playing HERE I have found THE hosts AS being THE best GROUP of PEOPLE on THIS site, A far CRY from THE lot OF us WHO quiver OVER ever DETAIL not TO our LIKING. this IS a FREE site TO attend AND something MUST be AGREEABLE to MAKE us KEEP coming BACK and FOR me IT'S the HOST', so MY hat's OFF to THE lot OF ya, FOR i SURE wouldn't BE as CALM and COLLECTIVE dealing WITH the GROUP of FECHAS de ESTRENOS as US. KEEP up THE good WORK
TDs monitoring tourneys.....GOOD GRIEF
Posted by
(VIP) 12 Dec 2011 4:01pm
Look folks, I too am grateful for all the tourneys that TDs provide for us canasta players. (Stage you're right....never have canasta players had as many tourneys. I remember when there wasn't even a canasta tourney scheduled for days.) And, I too understand that no one is perfect. However, that does not mean that something can't be better or improved. And, what I posted as a simple issue that is easily corrected has seem to have become a crime against ALL human kind and EVERY TD in the world. GOOD GRIEF.....I just want a TD available during tourney if something goes wrong. And, if I'm not mistaken, I think that TDs are supposed to monitor tourneys they host. That's all folks, plain and simple. And, again, when my money is on the line, I'm going to speak up. I don't see anything wrong about that. And, I don't really understand what is wrong about what I posted. I didn't mention specific names or players or anything and stated the issue as honestly as I could. Hopefully, ALL TDs will monitor tourneys from now on. And, of course, if a TD has to leave for a moment due to a nature call, for example, he/she can simply post on chat that he/she will be right back so that players are informed. Anyway.....enough said......... BlueSun
My 2 cents
Posted by
(VIP) 16 Dec 2011 9:26am
Ok everyone calm down. Bluesun was stating a simple fact that sometimes the TDs do not monitor quite a closely as they could. I have seen it as well and have just waited it out ... sometimes looking at another web page and having to be buzzed back into the room. Just something for the TD's to be aware of is what Bluesun is trying to say.
Posted by
(VIP) 16 Dec 2011 11:56am
ive heard the saying thats its sometimes not what you say, but how you say it. Everyone has, and for what my two euro's are worth, an opinion and a right to voice it wether we agree or not, hense the use of the forum. We can agree to disagree. I understand thats it's important to run an effect Tourney for thats the reason most of us blue's play, but the meager euros made by being a host wont cover the rent, its for the enjoyment and love of the game as must of us have, so I'd ask for some slack from time to time.
Thank you.
Posted by
(VIP) 17 Dec 2011 9:33am
AdamsDad, Thank you for your post. BlueSun
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Dec 2011 5:06pm
10-4 no Pesos
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Dec 2011 9:27am
I will wave to you and the short bus rolls past. Hope the helmet isnt too snug, need to keep those sharp comments rolling. BTW the FORMER coins of spain was called the peseta, not the peso which is from the north america's cousin to the south. Currently spain is using the Euro, but why on earth would you know that?
La ignorancia no es felicidad, pero con rampas en una mente estrecha.
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