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New Ladder Challenge Rule
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New Ladder Challenge Rule
Posted by webmaster (moderator) 1 Nov 2011 12:25pm

Starting November 2nd, 2011, both the challenger and the challenged party will receive a ladder penalty for not playing a challenge. Each player's rank will go down 8 rungs.

New Rule
Posted by jeep57 (VIP) 2 Nov 2011 11:04pm

Well thank you webmaster....i hope this keeps the bully's at bay!

Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) 3 Nov 2011 8:03pm

I have always used the challenge area without abusing it. I am not sure if this remedy will be effective. But I do know, for the non-abuser, simply monitor your challenge closely enuff to withdraw it prior to expiration. This will be the only way u can prevent being ladder attacked!

Posted by da_deadbanger (VIP) 3 Nov 2011 10:21pm

I like it.It keeps people from challenging with no intentions of playing it.Always wonder why this rule wasnt in place to start with.

Posted by G00DTIMES 5 Nov 2011 11:13am

This is advantageous for those who play the ladder. You seem to be only one not in agreement and you state same in pool forum, lol.

Posted by webmistress (moderator) 6 Nov 2011 6:48am

A challenger issues a challenge and then does nothing, but the challenged party keeps notes every day, tries to offer different times, etc. Such challenge will be removed with no penalty to the challengee,BUT the challenger will be dropped 8 rungs.

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