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Posted by duddle (VIP) 30 Sep 2011 4:56pm

win or loose it only takes a min to say thankyou . Some players are gone so fast and I am slow on typing that I am sure they miss my ty

Posted by LAKE658 (VIP) 1 Oct 2011 7:55am

I agree completly. I to am a slow typer. I always say gg cu later but I look and they are gone.

Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 1 Oct 2011 11:21am

Actually I am generally polite; however, when I've been in a tourney game and I was ahead the whole game and then didn't catch one darn wild card the last hand and the other player gets nine wilds and beats tell the truth I really don't feel like saying good game. I don't say anything negative or nasty....I generally just leave. If that is being impolite, then that's just how it is. To me being impolite is holding the last card until time runs out when you KNOW you have the other player beat OR knowing you are beat and you go out so winner has to wait the five minutes to take the win OR letting tourney five minute box come up during tournament game over and over again and then getting back in just as time is about to expire.... Anyway, I probably am going to be counted as impolite in tourney games because when I lose....I just get the heck out of the tourney. Who give a hoot. Doesn't bother me when loser does it to me in tourney game. If that makes me be it. As cptoneleg would say WHOOPDEEDO... BlueSun

Posted by BerNic 1 Oct 2011 12:37pm

come play with us non blue, we dont mind if you are polite or not as long as you play with us , just say gl at the beginning and it will be ok have a good day

Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 1 Oct 2011 3:37pm

I agree with everything blue and love said, I have said it before. Come on duddle and Toon dont you ever want to just cut loose, and say you lucky _ _ _ &*)(%#@!@ ^&*$#@%& )*&%#@ )_+*&^%$#@& **&$@@ &%^$#(

Posted by CL_salpico (VIP) 1 Oct 2011 6:11pm

Here, as in my real life, i have a motto:
"Do not do to the others what you don't like they do to you."

Posted by PileWar 15 Oct 2011 1:54am

look in a mirror

Posted by peanut2 16 Oct 2011 2:21pm

Way to say it Blue and Captain. You have it right for sure. I don't do tourneys, am not good enough by far, but the treatment you get playing in the main hall sometimes gets pretty bad.

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