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end of the month
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It's now:   Mar 19, 6:23pm EST

In response
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 28 Sep 2011 6:09pm

Not really a case of being scared at all. I come here to play tourneys and the ladder, yes, but above all I come to have fun. So I do not choose to play people that I don't enjoy playing But I do comply with the challenge rules.

what they say
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 28 Sep 2011 6:29pm

whos dylan and what did he say, and it ia nearly halloween we are all scared

Posted by CL_salpico (VIP) 28 Sep 2011 11:31pm

Bad sportsmanship is emphasized at the end of the month but the hypocrisy is permanent.

i said it b4 i say it again
Posted by AngelMarkie 29 Sep 2011 6:30am

its not that your right mamie or wrong Gc has it wrong by not changing it to 3 day challenge from the current 7 days and they should also change it if you dont play within 12 hours you should drop a place that way the ladder would then be revolving so you wouldnt be playing a lower person until GC do this it will be the same boring time at the end of the month every month

We Need Dear Abby
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 29 Sep 2011 6:45am

I went to main and tried to invite this dylon told him that I was a ladder player and was now #6 and joined his table and he went to another table, I don't like to play in Main because when I win too many people stall or close connection I could name several,The ones I know I play anytime.

Dear Abby
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 29 Sep 2011 9:44pm

I really want to be on a friendly basis with every player, but most everyone is just out for him or her self all of the time. Players backstab, backbite, and generally are obnoxious when it comes to end of the month jockeying for position. I used to play in Main A LOT, but I have just about quit playing in Main for all the above reasons. If a player is ahead of you, especially at the end of the month, you BEST BELIEVE that player IS NOT going to play you. So, the heck with it. I play mostly tournaments and challenge the number one player, if possible. Then I make every effort to play the challenge. IT IS JUST A GAME AFTERALL....IF players want to act like children, then so be it. I just avoid those player and go on about my own business. So, what do you think Dear Abby??? Isn't the entire thing with the squabbling just total laughable. Who cares anyway? Blue Sun

Dear Who Cares Anyway
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 30 Sep 2011 1:38pm

If it is still laughable, then you are having a good time and that is all that counts. And the squabblers are squabling all the time this must be fun for them.

So everyone just be your own player its great you can be a nice guy or a villan. You can even be some kind of animal, they seem happy.

Signed Dr. Duck ( Quack Quack )

Dear abby
Posted by duddle (VIP) 2 Oct 2011 2:33am

I have not been here long but at this point have found everyone very nice in Main Lobby. I have not had any poor sportsmanship there . I have foung when speaking nice to them they return the favour . So dont be afraid to play in main

Practice what you preach.........
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 8 Oct 2011 12:58pm

I was in a tourney recently and did not even play player "x", but when I went to the final round with player "y," player "x" typed in comments "Those two playing now deserve each other." I had NOT even played player "x," so if you want players to be nice to you, don't have sour grapes when you lose and make nasty comments or make nasty comments about the final two players in a tourney. In that particular tourney, I think I played two games to get to final round, so I EARNED the right to be in the final round. So, players that complain all the time about impolite or rude players.....check yourselves out first. Thanks, BlueSun

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