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Play canasta tournaments online
It's now: Mar 19, 6:07pm EST |
Posted by
(TD) 31 Jul 2011 3:05pm
I am just one of the many TD's that host canasta games, so saying that, I am thanking ALL the canasta players that play this site. With ALL the hosts working with teamwork, partnership,group effort,cooperation,we can bring these tourneys every day. This allows ALL the players to play which games they like and still compete for a ladder spot. My thanks to all and wishing everyone a wonderful and competative August. Ty, Spicii
To All TDs
Posted by
(VIP) 31 Jul 2011 6:52pm
THANK YOU TDs. Ya'll have really brought canasta to another level on this site. I remember when we couldn't get a canasta tournament going any time. I would go and wait and wait and wait just to have the tournament cancelled. Then there wouldn't even be any other canasta tournament scheduled for days. However, through the efforts of several TDs, especially Rottie and Spicii, we canasta players are getting many opportunities to play tournaments. Personally, I think ya'll do a WONDERFUL JOB, and every one of you that I've chatted with has been EXTREMELY COURTEOUS and POLITE. I really enjoy the tournaments, and just want to say THANK YOU to all the GREAT TDS. BlueSun
Thanks to the TDs
Posted by
(VIP) 1 Aug 2011 6:54am
I echo the thanks from BlueSun. We tournament players have been having a great time with all the tournaments that are now available in Canasta. Thanks to all the TDs. It has been a lot of fun and we look forward to a lot more fun in the future
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Play canasta tournaments online
At you can play games of skill only -- play for free or play for $prizes!.
According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.