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Poll for Fun (game set)
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Poll for Fun (game set)
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 29 Jul 2011 11:56am

Just for the heck of it tournement players what is your fovorte set min is;

#1- 2-2-1 3f

#2- 2-2-2 3f

The wilds thrown in matters not to me or points long or short. enjoy them all don't care for not frozen deck games: Oh yes 1/2 min on everything if something happens a simple BRB is understandable.

And thanks to TDs for all the tournements here lately, it gives us a chance to play without someone closing connection on you if it ain't going there way.

Thanks everone for the games;

Cptoneleg; gg,gl,gm,lol,happy day, nice day, and stay cool

poll for fun
Posted by duddle (VIP) 29 Jul 2011 12:56pm

hi , my vote would be for 2-2-2-w/3f . I do not like 1 canasta at all and for a change deck not frozen is ok as long as you still had to have TWO CANASTA. I would prefer them to be higher score to go out also .Yes 1/2 min is ample time .Thanks Darlene

Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 31 Jul 2011 6:46pm

Now that you asked............
I personally like 3500 221 3f. That's my all time favorite set. However, any set is really okay with me as long as the points are at LEAST 3500. Any lower points than that, it simply becomes "Who Gets The Wilds" instead of strategic playing and skill.
Overall, though, I like 221 anything better than 222 or 202. Good question Cptoneleg.
And same to you:
gl, gm, lol, vgg, gg, ty, etc., etc., etc. ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Cpt. You gotta stop hitting those turps.

Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 4 Aug 2011 7:46pm

You got it-- the short lucky type thats me and I'm gonna beat them Turps, and 1 of these days Im gonna beat u

OK CptOneLeg
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 4 Aug 2011 10:41pm

Well, it does seem to go in cycles with winning or losing against a particular player, but I always enjoy the competition with you CptOneLeg because I KNOW if I win against you that I've earned it because you are an excellent player. I enjoy the competition against a skilled player like yourself. Sometimes, it just comes down to the "luck of the draw" when two players are about evenly matched skill-wise. So, that's how it often ends up between us.
Thanks for the GREAT competition and
Thank you, BlueSun

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