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Rude people
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Rude people
Posted by peanut2 22 Jul 2011 7:08pm

I don't play in tourneys, I am not a very good player and I know it. But this people that hold and hold till time runs out to make their play are beyond rude to me! Canasta I am told over and over is suppose to be a "gentlemens" game it is sure not played that way by the most of the peole that use this site!

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 23 Jul 2011 8:08am

Sorry that you have run into that PJMaker. Most of those that I play with are very quick to play. I look for games where the setting for play is low 30 secs or 1 min. Some of those that leave it at 5 Min have bad connections but some also play the way you are talking about.

time per move
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 23 Jul 2011 8:59am

How can you tell time set on tables? I can't tell till i'm at table and it's too late.

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 24 Jul 2011 6:10am

I take a look once I am in the room and before I press start. If they have too long of time I consider the person before I agree to start. If they have burned me before then they will not get a game.

waiting and waiting
Posted by ellie1955 24 Jul 2011 11:20am

Well I am glad I am not the only one that cant stand to be put on "hold". So many people do it and I am guessing they want you to leave the game so they will win. Well, 2 can play that game! If an opponant consistently makes me wait, I'll take a break when its my turn!It really makes the game boring, I've actually dosed off! LOL

'convenient' disconnections
Posted by mag1147 24 Jul 2011 6:43pm

Agree with you ellie. I understand those who have poor connections and am always happy to wait it out for them to reconnect, BUT there's also an increasing number of people who have been playing at speed, good network delay and then disconnect either when they are losing or have just lost a good pack. And strangely when the time is up they don't bother to reconnect to finish the game but when you go back to the main hall, well, there they are with a new table open!

So just keep smiling, enjoy the game, and make a note of the players who lack in courtesy.

Rude People
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 31 Jul 2011 7:23pm

PJ Maker I couldn't agree with you more. To be honest, I simply make a list of those players who do that to me when they lose, and then I just DO NOT play them any more. I REFUSE to be aggravated when playing canasta by RUDE PEOPLE who do what you described or discourteous players who make nasty comments when they lose. I love canasta and enjoy the competition--win or lose--as long as the other player is not rude or discourteous, and if the other player is, then I just put them on my "Don't Play" list, and I don't play them again. If I have to play one of those players in a tournament, then I simply "Disallow chat while playing."
I enjoy playing canasta too much to let a few "sour grapes" players ruin it for me!!!

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