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Challenge - no show.
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Challenge - no show.
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 7 Jul 2011 7:59am

Just read a post in Pool suggesting people who don't show for challenges, after challenging another player, should be penalised. What do others think?

For the ones that don't show up
Posted by notritenow (VIP) 8 Jul 2011 2:52pm

I made a suggestion about this a while back gamecolony said they would consider it but nothing as of yet most people on canasta play but i have had some problems with the ones in the spades ladder. If we don't make the challenge we drop 10 but if we make the effort to make the notes and try to play that person should be dropped more then ten spots and not allowed to challenge for the remaining month or something like that

Posted by Katlynne (VIP) 13 Jul 2011 5:57am

I totally agree. I have had people challenge int he past and i was in main and they left and didnt play the challenge and then expected me to chase them to get it played so i didnt get in trouble. Absolutely they should be penalised - it should go both ways that is only fair.

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 13 Jul 2011 9:53am

I agree as well. I have been able to track down most of the challengers eventually but way too much work in this. Some I have posted several times in challenge area just to cover myself in case issue with needing to get the challenge wiped. Many times no response to request for time.

I play mostly in tourneys only so chasing in main can be painful when they do not respond to info in challenge.

Time for change
Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 13 Jul 2011 9:32pm

I agree about time it was changed so they will show up at the stated time.

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