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Play canasta tournaments online
It's now: Mar 20, 5:08pm EST |
Posted by
(VIP) 12 Jun 2011 1:33pm
I see the same people requesting a game over and over again. There are plenty of tourneys that go on and anyone can make it to the top. Lets leave the challenges to non vip member. So if being number one is a big deal to you spend some more money and show up at the tourneys when they appear
Posted by
(VIP) 13 Jun 2011 6:40am
Players don't often challenge me because I will play just about anyone (if they've NOT been rude to me) whenever a player wants a game regardless of where we are on the ladder. The reason a player may get a lot of challenges (from what I've observed) is because many players when they get to one or two on the ladder, WON'T play the number three or four player. But, that higher ladder player will play the number five or six player to knock out competition. I find it easier and I don't mind just playing whoever wants a game. I only challenge another player myself when that player has consistently AVOIDED playing me deliberately. So, if a player doesn't want to get challenged, just be sportsmanlike and play those below you on the ladder. And yes it would be nice to have more players in tourneys, but GC offers FREE play for all players. If a player chooses not to be a ticket player, then that is certainly a legitimate option for any player. I've seen the time when I would have had to play for free because I really couldn't afford to play ticket games, but I LOVE to play canasta. Anyway, there's my two cents worth. BlueSun
Posted by
(VIP) 13 Jun 2011 12:30pm
I'm confused by this. I don't believe I've ever avoided you Blue, and you HAVE challenged me (though I know I don't play main hall a lot). I suppose that's the good thing about so many tourneys - I rarely think about where other people are on the ladder as it is drawn randomly.
Posted by
(VIP) 13 Jun 2011 1:46pm
I normally play only Tournaments and am in top ten because I play there and many of top 20 do as well. Sorry but I am not going to hang around in Main to play everyone - do not have the time.
You can find me in the tournaments though.
Thanks to TD's for having so many Canasta Tournaments every month.
Is there a limit to challenges ?
Posted by
(VIP) 13 Jun 2011 6:06pm
There should be one!!!
Round and round we go to get a free game. Why be a vip member if you dont play in the tourneys when they come up?
Posted by
(VIP) 14 Jun 2011 7:49am
Stage you have avoided playing me in the Main Hall before. And, YES, that's why I've challenged you.....occasionally. From the MANY REPLIES that are posted regarding my Forum posts, obviously many players are concerned about the same issues. And, I use the Forum to HELP BETTER the game of canasta---NOT FOR NEGATIVE REASONS but to help make the game better for ALL PLAYERS. In fact, a TD told me the other day that GC had actually revised a rule because of an issue that I brought up. And, the rule needed to be revised. So....I like to think that my Forum posts are helping to make GC canasta playing the BEST ON THE WEB. Thanks, BlueSun
Posted by
(VIP) 14 Jun 2011 7:55am
Adams, I feel you. I am a teacher at an alternative school and for the last year I've also worked after hours until 5:30 or 6 0 o'clock helping students so that they can graduate. So, I fit my canasta playing in where I can. But, that's why there are challenges. If a player can't get up with me, sure, I don't blame them for challenging me. I know during the school year I don't have much time. But, my point of my original reply to Davon's post, was that there are, unfortunately, players who get in top ten, and the ONLY WAY anyone can get a game with them is in a tourney or to challenge them. When other times that the same player is NOT high on the ladder, that same player is constantly in Main Hall trying to get games with players ahead of them on the ladder. That's what I was talking about. Sure, it's nice to be high on the ladder when a player has worked hard and earned it. BUT it's NOT the BE ALL AND END ALL of canasta playing. The "thrill of competition" and the matching of wits and skills is what REALLY makes the game for me--win or lose. I wish more players felt that way. BlueSun
Posted by
(VIP) 14 Jun 2011 2:08pm
Blue - I do not play for ladder ranking either. I enjoy the tournaments because some of the best players play there. Just saying that is the main place that I can be found. If I get a challenge then I will try to play it but.......... I am not going looking in main for extra games anymore. If I end up near top of ladder at end of the month then so be it - but really is not something that I strive for anymore. I was #1 2 months in a row last year and really went after it in Main getting there. But it is really not worth the hassle.
So if anyone thinks that I avoiding people that are lower than me on the ladder - well I am not - just am not up to playing in Main to fight for a spot on the Ladder.
Here we go again
Posted by
(VIP) 14 Jun 2011 8:45pm
I'm writing this as I wait for my connecting flight - loads of time, it's delayed. I am insulted by your comments. To my knowledge I have never avoided playing you and am unhappy for you to state that as though it is fact. It may also be of interest to understand that many people make a contribution to the betterment of the site in general as well as just to the game of canasta. It's one of the ways in which the site develops.
Posted by
(VIP) 16 Jun 2011 11:49am
I play in nearly everyone but I am going to quit if you guys dont let me win sometimes
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Play canasta tournaments online
At you can play games of skill only -- play for free or play for $prizes!.
According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.