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Last of the Month Players.........
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Last of the Month Players.........
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 1 Jun 2011 6:35am

I love to play canasta and play as often as I can. Win or lose, high on the ladder or not, really makes no difference to me. Besides rude players, the other thing that REALLY BOTHERS me is these last minute players who come in the last five days of the month, play mostly only tourneys, get in the top ten, and then WILL NOT play any of the top ladder players in the Main Hall (and without naming names, every top ladder player knows who I am referring to) when all the other top ladder players have consistently PLAYED ALL MONTH. I keep up with things in the GC canasta world, and while everyone plays as he/she wants, for those players who come in the last of the month, I want to make an appeal to all the top ladder players to NOT PLAY THOSE PLAYERS. Why should we top ladder players give the last minute, last of the month players, an opportunity to climb the ladder over our month long efforts? In its own way, last of the month players are really being unsportsmanlike and showing that those players are AFRAID to compete. So good luck to you last minute players, but you'll only play me in the tournament hall or if you have the guts to issue me a challenge. BlueSun

End of the monthh drama
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 1 Jun 2011 12:04pm

I've learned the hard way we can't always choose who we want to play.........................
(and it's just not worth all this aggravation)

Great last few hours though, lot of exciting play and ladder movement, the top players not avoiding when they easily might have done.
Fun morning, thanks Rottie.

top 10 end of month
Posted by go_fish_ (VIP) 1 Jun 2011 8:38pm

i totally disagree with blue... if u r good enough to get to top ten by just playing at end of month by playing mostly tourneys then they deserve to be at the top.. it is no different then tourney players having a advantage over non tourney players..its part of the game everyone has same rules. You want them to not be in top 10 then beat them and they wont get there, infact saying that u wont play someone is against the rules i believe and rude in my opinion

Last minute players.........
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 7:01am

Well go_fish_, certainly you're entitled to your opinion. And speaking of NOT playing someone, why didn't you play me last night when I invited you, and then because you wouldn't, I asked for you to SET the table? And, you STILL wouldn't play me. So.....
And, honestly I don't care who is in the top ten or anywhere else on the ladder. My point is that it's just that the ones of us who play ALL month and play each other all the time, as well as other players (I play LOTS of players--not just top twenty players), really are giving each other a chance to climb the ladder and being sportsmanlike. The last of the month players aren't doing that.
It's not DRAMA, Stage, it's just an overall sense of fairness to me, of being sportsmanlike.
But, then maybe I'm just too old school.

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 10:01am

Sorry about this, but don't you tink it's unsportsmanlike to leave the game instantly as soon as it's finished when defeated?

Leaving instantly
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 12:25pm

No I do not think leaving the game instantly is unsportsmanlike, I think someone saying anyone can win who gets red 3s and wilds can win is what chaps me. Eveyone knows you have to have a decent hand to win. So I just come off a 30 game losing streak, no wilds no pairs no nothing, and finally win one, and see "cain't beat wilds" wippy do.

Now what would be rude if someone could hear me cuss after losing. But seriosly I enjoy playing all of you and if I take my ball and go home I'M SORRY

top 10 end of month
Posted by go_fish_ (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 7:13pm

blue as u obviously know i set my table every day and wait for someone to join me.... i like to play for tix that is why i play at this site... and i am not sitting by the computer when my name is on i listen for the ding as i have 2 kids that keep me running around. So if u dont join me i have no idea what requests or invites u sent or say u sent.... all i was saying is just cause someone doesnt play like u do doesnt mean they are not sportsman like.. and again i think u harping about this is rediculous.. i dont play like u, u dont play like me who cares as long as u play by rules it is fair for everyone

Leaving Instantly.....
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 8:57pm

Cptoneleg, RIGHT ON !!!

I couldn't agree with you more.

I KNOW just how you feel.


Right on Blue Sun!!
Posted by philk (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 9:44pm

I am not on very much lately Blue but i see where you are coming from. You play all month, play everyone and then someone comes in four days before the end of the month and goes from #685 to #1 just like that. This wasn't a fluke, it happened more than once before. Congrats to all who finished in the top ten. Should be interesting in June. Philk.

leaving right after loss
Posted by go_fish_ (VIP) 3 Jun 2011 10:41pm

i dont think its bad to leave right after a loss without saying gg....but if u always stay and say gg when u win and always leave without saying gg when u loss that's unsportsmanlike

top 10 end of month
Posted by go_fish_ (VIP) 4 Jun 2011 7:34pm

nicole lol you are entitled to your opinion lol ... i get to set table sorry u didnt like it... i personally think it is more rude joining a table and saying u better hope u stay on top cause no one will play u..cause no one likes u
no hi gl, no gg like u claim to always do which obviously is false. Just right to personal attack cause u dont like the game settings i guess everyone is entitled to there own opinion

My two cents.....
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 6 Jun 2011 5:37pm

While any ticket player has the option to set table for tickets, when a player who usually doesn't play ticket games becomes high on the ladder, and THEN plays only ticket games....
for other high on the ladder players....... welllllll.... ya'll get the idea.
So, I wish GoFish luck....may you forever be number's not worth the hoopla to me. I've been number one many times before.
And, I didn't make other high on the ladder players play for tickets when I was number one.
But then, I'm NOT AFRAID of competition.
So, in the memorable words of CptOneLeg....."wippy do."

Posted by Dealer1212 (VIP) 6 Jun 2011 6:39pm

I have been on this site for a few years now, and I have noticed good sportsmanship and bad.

There are many who are good for canasta and some that are not.

Addressing BlueSun's issue, I know alot of players who can only play a few days a month and they should have the opportunity to get to the top. I do feel as though you have to play a certain number of ladder matches to qualify.

To GoFish, setting a table for 10000 and draw one card just makes you look bad. Poor taste. Be the better person. And not saying "higl" before the game starts, and "ggty" after the game ends, is just rude.

Denying someone a game is just immature. Dislike for someone is no excuse for not being a good sport and giving them the same opportunity they would give you for climbing the ladder. And it's not gamesmanship either. Just childish.

And Nicole, when you set games that aren't for ladder when you are in the top ten is being just as bad as GoFish for the same reason. Saying you are on a losing streak is no reason. It's a privilege to play in ladder and when you are in top ten, it's everyone's obligation to give EVERYONE the opportunity to succeed. THAT'S SPORTSMANSHIP!!!

Let's all be adults. Set tables that aren't ridiculous. Play ladder games when in top 10. Say "higl" and "ggty".

Let's all stay focused as to why we play here. We all love Canasta, enjoy each others company, and like the competitive nature we play with.

Can't we all Just get along?

ladder/ no ladder
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 9 Jun 2011 8:20am

Maybe things have changed then because I recall you telling me exactly that - you hadn't set ladder because you were on a losing streak, and that you would play ladder the next day.

in response
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 9 Jun 2011 8:44pm

No, you're safe there, I only regret I didn't keep the other one permanently. It made interesting reading don't you think?

Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 10 Jun 2011 6:14am

I was told the same thing nic more than once. Some things never change.

Posted by Dealer1212 (VIP) 10 Jun 2011 11:14am

PLEASE let's stop being petty. You all know who does what and when.....airing out all the CRAP is doing noone any good. You all sound like 7th graders, she said this , and she does that.....

Feels like I am watching another episode of the Housewifes.....UGH!!!

Rosie, I am sorry I haven't seen you lately. And you too, Pauline. I miss our games....

Hey Dealer
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 10 Jun 2011 1:31pm

Just backing you up! Look forward to a game.

Lets just play cards
Posted by LAKE658 (VIP) 11 Jun 2011 2:52pm

I haven't post any view until now because I screw up more that anyone. Everyone that has posted thinks that he or she is doing their best and that they are right. no amount of discussion is going to change that. I am not blind I also see the wrong that has occured but that person is not going to change. I agree with Dealer lets just call it quits and LETS JUST PLAY CARDS FOR THE FUN OF IT.

Too funny
Posted by Ih8whiners (VIP) 13 Jun 2011 5:34pm

Thanks all, this has been hilarious. I used to play canasta a lot, but haven't played in quite some time. I forgot how entertaining you all can be, and why I don't play anymore. I don't know what it is about Canasta that attracts such childish personalities but nothing has changed. I'll say one thing for you all; it is always good for a chuckle when you read the Canasta forum. Keep up with the petty banter, it puts a smile on my face.

hate whiners
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 25 Jun 2011 9:50pm

so where do you hang out now Ih8whiners sounds like u whining now, I like wine it makes me a jolly good fellow, come back and see us sometimes, don't hide and peak come and join the fun so long "hate" if you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

Yours Truely and Woopti Do to You

Goodness Gracious
Posted by Linda1955 26 Jun 2011 7:41pm

I havent been on here for about a year or so and I guess I havent missed a thing. Nothing has changed, that is sad

Posted by LosingIsPainful-cl (VIP) 27 Jun 2011 7:01am

Sorry you havent been on here for a year. Always good to have loads of canasta lovers in the mix. When I look through the posts through these years, the same message rings out, sometimes by the same, but typically by different blokes. One thing that wont change is human nature, having siblings, I always felt I was getting raw deal, reminds me of the reflection of the bone for the dog. However, the game itself is lovely. Does my opinion matter, heck I dont know christmas from bourke street. Being on top does nothing but make enemies of those below, who wants to sniff anothers clanker. Its london to a brick thing wont change, but game is still real fun.

Last of the month players.
Posted by philk (VIP) 27 Jun 2011 9:42pm

Here we go

For The Love of The Game
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 28 Jun 2011 9:59am

Reminds me of that Kevin Costner movie where he is a really good baseball pitcher, and he quits for the love of the game , mabe someone will make a movie of the Canasta players who quit because of the high stress and long hours of sitting at a computer.

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