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Needed chess tips and pointers
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Needed chess tips and pointers
Posted by n1985 28 May 2011 2:36am

I can never move pass the 1200 mark. Whenever I play against players who usually rank 1300 and up they tend to know which pieces ought set and move. Whereas me on other hand, when being attacked I am clueless on how to counter or defend. I've tried watching youtube on players such as Fischer and Kasparov hoping I could pick up a thing or two but failed

Now I am aware that I can google and such but I thought it might be effective to ask the great chess players on here on tips and practical advice I need to work on.


Posted by CHIMERA17 (VIP) 9 Jun 2011 12:57pm

Nice to see you again n1985. I've been wondering where RDD scampered off to myself. He's probably playing side-kick to B1 somewhere, trying to save the universe from chess cheating aliens. You know someday those ALFs will take over this world unless B1 and his faithful "Tonto" stop them from infiltrating gamecolony and defeating our best chess players.

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