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Settings for Tourneys
Posted by
(VIP) 23 Apr 2011 9:17am
TDs I LOVE you all, but you are causing confusion at times with settings for tourneys. There are three places on tourney screen: Standings, Description, and Time Control. I've seen tourneys set where ALL THREE places had something different posted for the game. I've seen tourneys where one was different in Standings and TD said Standings was the game. I 've seen it different in Standings and TD said Time Control or Description was the game. It seems that TDs arbitrarily say which game is to be played when the Standings, Description, and Time Control don't match. I play tourneys at my discretion, but I DO WISH there was some consistency when there is an error in the posting of a tourney. It seems whichever player complains the loudest---then that's the tourney game setting we play when there is a discrepency. I KNOW we all make mistakes, but personally, I WOULD LIKE to see these errors eliminated if at all possible. It makes me uncomfortable as a player when there is uncertainty about which game is to be played---and MY TICKETS are on the line. PLEASE know I LOVE YOU ALL TDS, but can you be a little more consistent when setting tourneys? Thanks, BlueSun
Posted by
(moderator) 23 Apr 2011 10:12am
Thank you BlueSun for reinforcing a reminder we put up in the TD Forum often! When we train we stress the importance of DOUBLE CHECKING our creates before finishing. Some are still getting in too big of a hurry I guess, but I know they are all trying to improve. 
Posted by
(VIP) 23 Apr 2011 11:58am
I agree with Blue it's nice to know what a player signs up for.
Human error
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Apr 2011 9:08am
But mistakes do happen, we should all be just a little more tolerant?
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Apr 2011 10:15am
I think my post regarding the TD's errors in posting was EXTREMELY TOLERANT and respectful. Your comment is not.
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Apr 2011 1:43pm
I'm sorry you feel like that, I certainly meant no disrespect. But I've played a great deal of tourneys in several games and have come to look on several td's as friends and know that they are volunteers who do a really good job, by and large. I repeat my request for a little more tolerance.
just a question...
Posted by
(VIP) 27 Apr 2011 7:52pm
is there ever any 2 canasta tourneys? no frills just 2 canastas, thanks loads mates
Wrong Settings
Posted by
(TD) 28 Apr 2011 2:46pm
Hi All, I post a few cans tourneys and try to do my best at setting them correctly. But I am human and do make mistakes. I can only speak for myself but if I see that I have set a tourney incorrectly I will ask players if they would like to be outed. I ask when I see I have set wrong. If it is brought to my attention before I start I will also ask. But after the tourney has started I can only go bet what I called the tourney to start. Scopeman
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Apr 2011 3:55pm
They have a few 2 can tourney's Im hitting some Turps today, I like that hitting Turps
Settings for Tourneys
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Apr 2011 10:30pm
JEE WHIZ....Let me clarify....I AM NOT FAULTING TDS. I'm simply stating that as a tourney player that it's frustrating to join a tourney and then realize different settings have been set. And, Scopeman, you are a GREAT TD. However, asking a player if he/she wants to be outed is NOT really the answer either because a player may WANT to play a tourney to climb the ladder or needs to play a tourney to try to stay at first for example when the 2nd ladder player is also in tourney. ALL I was saying in my post is that I KNOW WE ARE ALL HUMAN and I KNOW WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES.....Just TDs please check your settings before you release the announcement for a tourney. I don't see anything wrong with that request. If an error is still made, so be it. It's not the end of the world. It was just that I was seeing it quite frequently and felt like as a player--with my tickets on the line-- that I had a right to speak up. I HOPE I HAVE NOT OFFENDED ANY TD. Ya'll are why we even have tourneys set for us canasta players, and I APPRECIATE the tourneys. Thank you all TDS for the great job you all do. BlueSun
Cptoneleg ---Turps???
Posted by
(VIP) 28 Apr 2011 10:35pm
I can't help myself, and I'm probably showing my ignorance....but what the heck are "Turps"??? and why do you like hitting Turps? I don't get it. Does it hurt them? Thanks, BlueSun
Aussie wit?
Posted by
(VIP) 29 Apr 2011 7:33am
Aha Blue, you have to look at who the comment was addressed to (Brisbane Boy). He has been injecting Aussie slang into GC. Apparently hitting the turps is going out and having a few drinks!
What is the turps?>>>>>>>
Posted by
(VIP) 30 Apr 2011 5:03pm
Ah only the best sound a mate can hear after a long day at the job. Thanks as well for a 2 canasta tourney.
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