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To TDs
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 14 Apr 2011 6:33pm

I see TOC for April for BG players. Hey TDs what about us Canasta players? It's been a LONG time since we've had a TOC. Thanks, BlueSun

TOC FOR APRIL tourney winners
Posted by 1okaylady (TD) 16 Apr 2011 4:17pm

May 1st at 3 pm for APRIL tourney winners...
5000 2-2-1 3f/w 10 tix......Hope to see you there. The list will be out shortly....but you know if you won a tourney and are eligible.

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 17 Apr 2011 7:52am

Thank you oklady, I certainly hope to be able to make it.

Posted by 1okaylady (TD) 17 Apr 2011 1:34pm

Although the TOC is just another tourney with no real meaning other than ONLY tourney winners in the previous month are able to participate, 10 tix does make it a special tourney. Otherwise it would be just like any other tourney.

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 18 Apr 2011 2:07pm

Just to confirm that there are some players who welcome the thrill of a big tourney. 10 tix sounds great to me. Bring it on okaylady!

Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 19 Apr 2011 6:59am

Thank you OkayLady. If you are a competitor, then the TOC is a welcome challenge to test your skills. The ten tickets makes it an extra kick for those of us who enjoy competition. And, what's ten tickets? IF you go to the movies, or go out for a decent meal, you spend more than that. The TOC is for those players who have shown that they aren't afraid of competition and welcome the challenge to play the BEST OF THE BEST. Good Luck to all those tourney winners who participate. Thanks, BlueSun

Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 19 Apr 2011 8:21am

Yes thats like only 7 beers, or 6 mixed drinks or 2 bottles of cheap wine so 10 tx is not bad to know youve been beat by the best. LOL

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 19 Apr 2011 12:52pm

I want to find where you get drinks at those prices!

chep drinks
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 19 Apr 2011 8:25pm

well you have to drink at home thats more like 1 glass of wine, or 2 beers or 1.2 mixed drinks at a good restaurant. I think maybe

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 20 Apr 2011 3:10pm

Unfortunately I will be at a bowling tournament with my son at that time. Would have been great to participate since I have won a few this month. Good luck to all that play - wish I was there to take your tickets - lol. Have fun

Get A Job
Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 20 Apr 2011 11:06pm

You want to feed some kids get off the computer and go get a JOB, Me im here to have some fun not feed kids, heck I'm retired, Tell me where I can buy some milk for poor children and I will.

The same thing, sort of
Posted by medpro (VIP) 21 Apr 2011 10:53am

I'm poor, no job, no kids, no money, can't win a thing......But I love CHOCOLATE milk.....

Posted by cptoneleg (VIP) 21 Apr 2011 8:37pm

I personnelly don't care if the tournemnts are 10 tickets or free, no one asks me, the TDs set them I quess. Its my choice to play or not, try to have fun and not to worry about all the troubles of the world. I am sure there are forums that help solve problems, and have discussions, about anything anyone wants to dicuss, this one is for fun and games, I think

Well said
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 22 Apr 2011 6:24am

That's the most sensible thing written on this topic so far. Well said my friend!

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