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Poor Sports
Posted by philk (VIP) 2 Mar 2011 6:32pm

You seemed to know what you were doing(deleted) when you made me wait the 5 minutes so i could get the win. According to your profile you have only played 2 games but i highly doubt it. If you pull this stunt with to many people you will be waiting a long time before ever getting a game. I thought i would play you so you could get more experience, but don't hold your breath if you think i will ever play you again.

Name change
Posted by GoBigOne (VIP) 4 Mar 2011 3:51am

Hi PhilK, I hope you are well.
Unfortunately you wouldnt know if you are playing this nag if they change their username???

Poor Sports
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 10 Mar 2011 5:42am

I know how PhilK feels about players who lose and then make the winner wait the five minutes. VERY AGGRAVATING. And, I've enjoyed playing you many times PhilK. I KNOW you are a courteous player. I hope to play you many more times. BlueSun

Posted by ellie1955 13 Mar 2011 5:32pm

I havent been playing on this site very long, and havent played canasta very long either,but it didnt take me long to catch on to people making you wait so you will bale on the game so they get a win!~ Unbelievable! There is one guy that does it all the time, and a woman did it again today. Hey! I'll wait them out and write them little messages. LOL

Waiting..... Waiting ..... Waiting
Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 30 Mar 2011 4:01pm

Know exactly how you feel. Had someone - who will remain nameless - do it to me last year. He not only waited bailed out of the game but had the gall to come back in 2 times right at the end of the five minutes and bail again. Finally left for good. Then had the nerve to keep calling me out for weeks that I was afraid to play him. He never got another game from me.

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