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Play canasta tournaments online
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Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 15 Feb 2011 5:39pm

CANASTA PLAYERS (And, ya'll all know which canasta players I'm talking to in this post.) You know, I don't care if a player challenges me because I'm happy to play almost any player, and I'm a good enough player that I'm NOT AFRAID to face challenges. However, if you challenge me, please play me when I invite you. I just spent twenty mintues trying to get a player who challenged me to join my table. He KEPT INSISTING he couldn't see my invites, etc. I had been playing for thirty minutes before I even invited the player who challenged me. SO, I KNOW my table was fine. So players, if you want a game, just ask me. If you want to challenge me, FINE. BUT when I invite you, please just join my table. THE RULE IS THAT THE PLAYER WHO IS CHALLENGED SETS THE TABLE. If you don't want to abide by the challenge rules, then don't challenge me. If you don't know the challenge rules, then READ THEM before you bother me. I want to play for fun, and I don't have a lot of time to play. AND, I CERTAINLY don't want to be bothered if you don't want to honor your challenge. Thanks, BLUESUN

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Play canasta tournaments online

At you can play games of skill only -- play for free or play for $prizes!. According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!).   The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.
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