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Time for a break......
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Time for a break......
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 1 Feb 2011 4:32pm

Just letting my friends know I'm having a time out.

Getting more and more disappointed with behaviour in tourneys. It started with one person who would always leave without a word upon losing, but this has spread. This spoils the enjoyment as far as I'm concerned. It's just not worth it.............

And the rudest player is...
Posted by GoBigOne (VIP) 1 Feb 2011 8:38pm

Please dont lety players like this make you stay away. I enjoy playing and chatting with you and I know loads of others who do also. Please dont worry about the rude ones. Hope to see you in main again soon.

Posted by bbbbbgirl (VIP) 2 Feb 2011 8:55am

Pauline, I hate to hear that you will be 'away' for a while! You will be missed, but I agree with shouldn't let 'them' run you off! You're a pleasure to play and talk with. Hope to see you soon!!!

Stay warm up there!

We will miss u for sure
Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 2 Feb 2011 9:33am

Pualine there always will be some of them. I have a do not play list, but when u play for ladder it is diff. I don't play on here either as much as before, because of the same reason, but have to many friends here to leave. So please stop by once in awhile

Dear Pauline
Posted by 1okaylady (TD) 2 Feb 2011 10:50am

Do you say hello to everyone on the street? just pretend these people are on the street somewhere....don't change yourself, hope your friendliness rubs off on just one person and then you will have accomplished something....
Don't become one of them, then you lost the battle...Remember the old saying....Kill them with kindness!!!!!
See you in one of the many tourneys and games you play....

Rude Players.
Posted by BlueSun (VIP) 2 Feb 2011 10:27pm

Actually, players have gotten better in the last year or so in canasta. It USED TO BE TERRIBLE with some players. I used to get upset and mad, but HEY IT IS A GAME. NO one should be rude and childish on GC or anywhere else. But, that's just my viewpoint. I enjoy playing everyone who has responded to this post and many other players. I just keep a don't play list except for tourneys, and then I just use preferences and mute the player during the tournament game. Eventually the rude player gets the message, and if they want to play me in Main Hall (and fortunately I'm often high in the ladder), the player has to straighten up his/her act cause when it's all said and done, LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR PETTINESS, and after all, it REALLY IS JUST A FUN GAME. So, I try to have fun, and if I've offended any player ever---please forgive me. BlueSun

Pauline please reconsider
Posted by Dealer1212 6 Feb 2011 9:19am

Yes it is very frustrating and often times rude when people don't at least acknowledge the game with "GGTY" response. I think that's all any of us need. Those of us players who have made this site fun have had great dialogue and I have made a good number of friends here. Even those who have been rude in the past have come around. But yes there are still some people who will leave without saying a word. I just think those people are more upset about losing the game and forget there's another person on the other side. Either way, please don't let this be the reason you leave, because those people, new players or veteran players, will always be here......

Thank you
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 6 Feb 2011 10:07am

Thanks to everyone who has taken the trouble to respond to me. And many sensible comments. I really do need to lighten up..............

See you all soon,


Posted by mami_love (VIP) 6 Feb 2011 11:30am

I agree with Blue Sun life is too short for pettiness and its only a game you can t change everyone so go on and have fun with the GAME of cards

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