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Phoenix Riser/Dove Of Peace
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Phoenix Riser/Dove Of Peace
Posted by Heatherrose (VIP) 30 Jan 2011 1:47am

There seems to be a lot of talk going on about both of these people lately. Phoenix Riser we all know and love - he's a great bloke - plays a great game of Canasta and has become good friends to a lot of us here at Game Colony. He is obviously having a hard time at the moment and my heart goes out to him and I miss him and hope he comes back soon. But we would have known none of this if it hadn't been for Dove of Peace. We would have been left wondering what happened to him. I know Angel from years ago and she did some things which weren't very nice not only to me but to a lot of people on Game Colony back then. And when she came back on the scene I was very wary of her intentions - still am a little. But everyone deserves a second chance and we all make mistakes, so I for one will give her that second chance. Cheers

I agree.
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 30 Jan 2011 9:35am

Nicely put Heather, perhaps we can lay this to rest now.

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