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One Canasta.
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One Canasta.
Posted by philk (VIP) 22 Nov 2010 9:17pm

I am one of a very few who would rather play 2 canastas instead of one. I realize that moet players prefer one canasta instead of 2. I play one canasta if that is what the player wants. I am curious why most people prefer the one canasta game rather than the two canasta game. Is it because it is faster and less time consuming? I would like your feedback. Good luck the rest of the month. Philk.

One or two?
Posted by stageinharmony 24 Nov 2010 11:36am

I suppose they are very different games. I like them both, but what I want to play depends on my mood. If I fancy a good old pile war,2 can here I come! But 2 can tends to work better for 5000, so if I don't want a long game, I'll choose 1 can. Hope to get in a game soon Phil!

one canasta
Posted by mami_love (VIP) 25 Nov 2010 12:41pm

I prefer one canasta because every time I play 2 canasta for some reason I dont get any wilds and seem to lose every time , its hard to play 2 when you get only one or two wilds per hand

One canasta
Posted by mag1147 26 Nov 2010 6:31pm

I know just what you mean, Nicole. However, if I'm having a session of few wilds it means the other player has most of them and on a one canasta game will go out before I've got anywhere, so for me the 2 canasta game works better then as it gives me the chance to build up perhaps to a natural, or even to pick up a wild card or two (with luck!)

Posted by Spicii (TD) 27 Nov 2010 1:09pm

I have been reading the pros and cons on the canasta's and would like to comment. I was setting 2 and 1 canasta's and things were going quite well, then the 2 canasta's dropped off the board on getting players. I still set them, even with many canceled tours because of no players, the 1's seemed to go.
Then a couple players said no one wants the 2 canastas and they wont play them. I have dropped to 1 and 2 tix, which had been requested, and those players stay in hall rather than play. You all know all I want is players to have a good time, play the games and enjoy a site where all that matters is the competition and fellowship, a fun place to relax and enjoy. Please give me feedback, cause I am here to serve the players. Hugs to all, Spicii

Posted by mami_love (VIP) 27 Nov 2010 8:11pm

I like 2 tickets and one canasta its fun and not to much money involve

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