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A reminder (regarding challenges)
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A reminder (regarding challenges)
Posted by stageinharmony 22 Nov 2010 5:37pm

Just a reminder after reading challenge notes. A non VIP cannot send messages to a VIP when they are playing!

challenge rules
Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 23 Nov 2010 7:20am

> As a player who was being challenged, it was up to them to monitor the challenge and let GC know if there are any problems. You select the type of game and set the table. It is the challenger's responsibility to accept your table settings. He has 48 hours to do so or withdraw his challenge. If within 6 hours of challenge expiration the challenger has not played with you or withdrawn his challenge, you need to contact GC via Contact Us. At this point GC will look for the evidence of negotiations between the players. In other words, we would need to see your notes to each other, where you have tried your best to negotiate with the challenger. If you tried everything possible to play with your challenger and he does not play you or withdraw his challenge by the end of 48 hours period, GC can manually withdraw the challenge so that you would not incur any penalties.
> If you do not inform us of the inability to meet your challenger, your rank is automatically reduced as the challenge expires.
I would also think that when a player is challenged and anwers in the notes, should say the time that they are able to play and the challenger has to meet that time. Hope this clears up some of the misuderstanding on here.

challenges responsability
Posted by CL_salpico (VIP) 23 Nov 2010 4:39pm

Who makes a challenge and then does not appear to play should also be penalized.
There are people, addicted to challenges, that only make them for bad faith!

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