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Game Colony Jargon
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Game Colony Jargon
Posted by rosiekm13 (VIP) 25 Oct 2010 8:20pm

I got theese in a email from Game Colony. Enjoy

AFC--away from computer
ASAP--as soon as possible
B4N--bye for now
BFN--bye for now
BRL--be right back
BLNH--better luck next hand
BRB--be right back
CUsee you
CUL--catch u later
G2G--got to go
GG--good game
GL--good luck
G1--good one
GR--good roll
H&K--hugs and kisses
HAGD--have a good day
HAGN--have a good night
IC--I see
IDK--I don't know
IWI--I will invite
JK--just kidding
K --ok
LOL--laughing out loud
LOL--lots of luck
LOL--lots of love
LG--ladder game
NR--nice roll
NP--no problem
ROFL--rolling on floor laughing
SYS--see you soon
TC--take care
TY--thank you
TYVM--thank you very much
TYFJ--thank you for hosting
TYFJ--thank you for joining
U2--you two
WB--welcome back
WTG--way to go
VGG--very good game
WTG--way to go
and last
HTH--hope this helps

yes need to go back to university
Posted by mami_love (VIP) 28 Oct 2010 12:22pm

yes with all the jargon and everything else on gc you need to go back to university to learn the law and also the jargon lol

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