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Avoiding a player!!!
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Avoiding a player!!!
Posted by rustyrooster (VIP) 24 Aug 2010 1:15pm

Here's the scoop. I asked a player in the top 10 for a game yesterday at 8:30 AM, after several tries and so many exuses, this player has been playing many below me on the ladder. I was never told wait for me,dont wait for me, and when I asked one last time was acused of pestering her, come on! This is the reason I normally DO NOT ask for a game in Main Hall. So if I do formal challenges from now on, this situation is the reason why. Thanks, Terilyn

Avoiding a player.
Posted by philk (VIP) 25 Aug 2010 8:25am

Unfortunately Terilyn this does happen sometimes. Players are worried about losing their position on the ladder so they will avoid you and move on and play lower ranked players or one of their friends, if they have any. Good luck the rest of the month.Philk

avoiding players
Posted by mami_love (VIP) 25 Aug 2010 11:44am

yes I agree and then you have those who dont even bother to see if you are on (like at 2 am when you are sleeping)to challenge you

Posted by mami_love (VIP) 26 Aug 2010 9:22am

Terilyn I completely understand you been asking a player for 2 days now for a rank game and she gives me the brush off so did like you say challenge

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