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It's now:   Mar 22, 6:43pm EST

Posted by LosingIsPainful_cl (VIP) 28 Jun 2010 9:21pm

Happy late birthday to Linda (the 18th I think of June) I remember this for it's same time as mine (24th) yes you are all late and pauline you were late last year as well, so don't try any fancy wordings. Sorry about the Cavs Linda.. and nicole, your's is coming next month 20th?) Sorry for all those others I've forgotten through the year so here is one big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you all! Vacation is fun, I miss the drama of the ladder NOT !!!! Good luck all

Posted by mami_love (VIP) 29 Jun 2010 4:06pm

hi Randy ty for remembering my birthday next month happy birthday to you and hope you get everything you want in life as you are a good person and will forward Linda your message as she is not on often anymore ty again Nicole

Thank You Randy
Posted by linda618 30 Jun 2010 8:41am

Well I thank you Randy for the Birthday wishes...and I wish you a happy belated birthday also. Unfortunately I am hardly on anymore, as this new job has taken up lots of my time, which only means one good thing, lots of $$$$$$$$$. I wish all of you well and I truly do miss most of all of you love Linda

Posted by bbbbbgirl (VIP) 30 Jun 2010 10:49am

I can't believe I still forgot to tell you Happy Birthday, Linda!! I was even reminded of your upcoming birthday and still forgot to drop you a message! I hope you had a GREAT one!! I miss you!! How was the Bones exhibit? I have tickets and am so excited!! Stop working all the time and come play with us! HAVE A GOOD DAY!!! Love-Dana
Also, HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY, Randy!! I hope you had a great one!!!

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 30 Jun 2010 6:10pm

Nice to see you still drop in Linda. Hope it was a good one.

Posted by linda618 1 Jul 2010 11:17am

Oh Dana it was fabulous. We saw it about 4 years ago in Cleveland before, but this time it had alot more things...let me know when you go and let me know how mom likes it. I am glad you got you and Thanks for the birthday wishes

Posted by LosingIsPainful_cl (VIP) 2 Jul 2010 11:20am

thanks linda, nicole, and danish for the birthday wishes ( even though I solicited them)
Linda, will Lebron return next year, afraid cavs will be Zero without sales will drop...and what to do with all those lebron jerseys????? Golly what else does clevland have..oh yeah the BROWNS! ha ha ha

You never stop Randy
Posted by Linda1955 5 Aug 2010 12:43pm

Yeah LeBron is gone...but so is his attitude and his ego. I figured during playoffs something was up, and my son said he is definitely gone, but I didnt want to believe that he is gone and trashing Cleveland....LET MIAMI HAVE HIM AND HIS EGO...ITS ACTUALLY BIGGER THAN THE CITY , I still have my Browns, Cavs and Indians

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