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rank game
Posted by
(VIP) 7 Jun 2010 11:23am
wish players would have better sportmanship when it comes to rank games top 5 move so fast yesterday I ask 3 different for a rank game and they were on when I did and they all refuse and waited till my rank move if only they would play when we ask for a rank instead of chosing to wait till ladder change it would show good sportmanship so I went down 2 this and tried a rank for 2 days it should the person who refuse go down maybe that would be an insentive ty
Rank Game
Posted by
15 Jun 2010 4:40pm
Well sweetheart I think you want the best of both worlds here... You want people with a higher ranking to play you which at this present time I have a ranking 1825 and you at 1627 I have tried to come to your table to play you but you always have your table to set invite only... In a previous post you said you play everyone which is not the case.. And I stated that...You want to play higher ranking people but not in a ladder game only in a none ladder game or a person that has a higher ranking that doesn't play the ladder.. So what I can see from this is you only want to play the top 20 people in the ladder.. and then only play higher ranking people not in the ladder... So I guess you are a person that wants both sides of fence and in the real world life just isn't like that... So next time maybe you will have your table set so anyone can come and play like you say you don't but never have....
Posted by
(VIP) 16 Jun 2010 9:42pm
you are hard to follow and to understand I was not talking about rating I was talking abour rank game for top 10 only , you have to play the person below every 6 days or you go down 2 so that has nothing to do with rating, and almost everyone plays with have to invite table so Im sure Im not the only one but if you come to my table and ask for a game I will gladly play ty
Rank Game
Posted by
(VIP) 21 Jun 2010 6:34pm
Hello, just a little note...Rank is short for Ladder rank...#1 is ranked top of ladder and it goes know, like #1 #2 #3 and so on...Ladder Rating is for skill level...players start at goes up when you win and it goes down when you lose...who you play determines by how much...and as for private tables...not everyone has the table set like that..just a few and many are in the top 20...just took a peak and out of 39 tables only 2 were set as both were top of the ladder... meeeooowww
rank game
Posted by
(VIP) 21 Jun 2010 10:17pm
ty Menew , but when I talk about a rank is top 10 players have to play lower rank (the player under you ) every 6 days or you drop 2 that why we call a rank game for top 10 players and thats what I was talking about ty
Rank Game
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Jun 2010 10:26am
Yes Nicole that is a top ten ladder rule, and everyone has failed it once or twice because of the constant movement of player's just part of the world we live while here at GC...not the end of the world it's just a 2 rung penalty...and be easily gotten back in one or two first message was for madison who seemed to misunderstand rank and rate as said in your first message... meeeooowww
Blah blah blah
Posted by
22 Jun 2010 12:07pm
If you look at top 20 month after month, its about 86% the same every month. What does that say? Only those 86% are the best, hardly. The buddy system plays a huge role. Look at who plays who, the top 20 plays each other and just swaps spots back and forth. There are a few exceptions to this, so will play others, and I thank those who do. Good day
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According to the statutes of most states in the United States, gambling is defined as: "risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance". (Also see No Gambling!). The skill (as opposed to chance) is predominant in games of skill. Playing games of skill for $prizes, therefore, has nothing to do with gambling as it is not a contest of chance -- the more skillful player will win far more often. The chance element of a 'gamble' is either insignificant or missing. When players compete in tournaments or games of skill for $prizes -- it is "competitive entertainment" rather then "gambling". The more skilled winner will always win more matches, tournaments and $prizes.