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Memorial Day Again
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Memorial Day Again
Posted by Joker (TD) 31 May 2010 3:55pm

Memorial Day Again
Posted by Joker (TD) 31 May 2010 3:52pm

Memorial Day is a United States Federal Holiday.
Originally called Decoration Day is a day of rememberence of our fallen soldiers in war.
Not a holliday but a day of remembrence.
For familys, loved ones, and soldiers its a day of questioning. WHY a mother - WHY did not my child return home safe and sound? a soldier - WHY did I return and my friend and comrad did not? a father - WHY did my child have to go? a soldier - WHY did we have to go? a wife - WHY did I not have time to say goodbye? a soldier - WHY did I not have time to say goodbye to my brother in arms?
War will always bring unanswered questions to us all.
So for all the the fallen soldiers across the world - I REMEMBER and I SALUTE YOU
JOKER o(-^-)o

So impressive
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 1 Jun 2010 8:27am

I went to a local event with my 'newish' husband, a Vietnam vet. I was so impressed with the sense of community and patriotism I found there. One area in which you beat us Brits hands down.

Good to see the pride in your country. I'm happy to be here.

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