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great month
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great month
Posted by mami_love (VIP) 17 Apr 2010 11:16am

oh what a great month it is the only time top will play is challenge and then they ignore you but a few exception they make an effort to not play competion so they will stay on top wish the ladder did not exist and we could play for our own rating and play good competitive games and have fun ty

Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 17 Apr 2010 6:39pm

I don't think that this is a very constructive piece of post. I don't agree with your findings at all. I find most people pleasant and co-operative.

We reap what we sow.......

Well said stageharmony!!!
Posted by Menew (VIP) 19 Apr 2010 4:15pm

Some people just don't get it. Many play everyone with no troubles at all. Then you have those who for some reason feel they have to challenge those few players they don't get along with.... WHY?...If you don't like the ladder, then just don't play it...don't check it and just play as many games for rating or the many un-registered players that you can will feel better and have nicer days...BE NICE and others will be nice to you....meeeooowww

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