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What's Your Game?
Posted by Pearle (TD) 17 Mar 2010 9:45am

All the TD's (Tournament Directors) here at GC would like to know what your game preferences are. Do you prefer low tix tourneys or a high tix thrown in there every once in awhile? 2-2-2, 2-2-1, 3f, W? Without your input we don't know what to set. I know we have a few requests for early morning, and we will try to accommodate those. You'll also see a lot more 1 and 2 tix tourneys in the future and we hope to see a lot more players joining us. Please give us your feedback.
Thanks, Pearle

Posted by mami_love (VIP) 17 Mar 2010 12:30pm

prefer 2500-2-2-1 and 2 or 1 tickets

all of it !!
Posted by Phoenix_Riser_CL (VIP) 17 Mar 2010 9:51pm

hi ☺, I would like to see all size tourneys. 2 - 5 or more tix . some one canasta .. maybe a 5000 2 2 2 3f and the setting of 3500 2 0 1 3f I enjoy all settings and it gives everyone a variety at their best setting. I dont mind over 5 tix for some especially 5000 canasta. The tourneys are where lots of fun is. Thanks for asking. Alan

Posted by AdamsDad (VIP) 19 Mar 2010 10:10am

I play just about any tourney that comes on during the day. Can't make many of those that are on in the evening. Hope to see more tourneys soon.


Make em!!!
Posted by Menew (VIP) 19 Mar 2010 11:30am

Any type will do...1-3 tix is good...DE's are good for ladder movement, and might go for 3-5 tix...2500-3500 seems to work...make them and we will come!!!JJ

PS Early mornings are best for me
Posted by Phoenix_Riser_CL (VIP) 20 Mar 2010 6:32am

Hi again, Early mornings are good for me and when spicii did early morning ones people did make it to them and it helps us on overseas timeframe. thanks. I can nearly always make early morning

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