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If you can't take losing, why bother playing?
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If you can't take losing, why bother playing?
Posted by rainneywtr29 (VIP) 24 Feb 2010 6:51pm

I'm afraid it's a bit of a rant.

I'm sick of playing people who can't take losing. The other day there was a guy who had something to moan about on almost every hand. What's with that? Do you think you are the only one who gets a bad hand?? Get over yourself, we all get crap hands and have to deal with it.

Oh yeah and of course there are the people who realise they have no chance of winning and decide to disconnect from the game before it finishes - cowards! Then of course the ones who want sympathy!!! (warned you it was a rant)

I'm turning off my chat in all games from now on so appologies to those who don't do any of the above and were saying hi or something.


I've lost 5,6 and even 7 games in a row but I don't take it out on the next person I play.

Seriously if you can't take losing don't bother playing me

Lighten up!
Posted by stageinharmony (VIP) 25 Feb 2010 4:02pm

It happens in all games Yves, but the nice friendly players far outweigh the others.

Don't let it get to you! (And hope to beat you soon!) I won't throw a wobbly if you win though!

Posted by bluetulip (VIP) 26 Feb 2010 12:26am

Hey gurl..its been a while. Hope all is well and you're smiling again.
But hey it never stops them from wasting other peoples valuable time. Chalk that one on the blackboard and don't play them again. After all its not like there is a shortage of domino players around. However VIP's are a little different I have found. They stick around for a few games at the very least.

I'd stick with some regulars. Have done for years and is happier with that


Posted by rainneywtr29 (VIP) 26 Feb 2010 1:51pm

Hi Guys, thanks for cheering me up .

Yeah, I had a particularly bad experience that day, I think I've been on game colony too long, kidding lol.

Yeah, most players are fine just a shame about the hysterical ones who let the side down lol.

See you guys soon (and I won't be turning chat off to people I know and no wobblies now stage when I beat you ha ha.


Posted by rainneywtr29 (VIP) 26 Feb 2010 7:50pm

P.S. When I said people who disconnect from the game, I meant when people disconnect from the internet rather than just resigning, fair enough if someone resigns a game that's up to them. But when they disconnect they are basically making the other person wait the 5 minutes or sometimes more when the person has no intention of returning, it's just so annoying. Just wanted to clear that up, people can resign if they want

Posted by rugby_park 16 Mar 2010 12:43am


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