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Tips & Advice on How to Get Better (From the Broker)
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Tips & Advice on How to Get Better (From the Broker)
Posted by
(VIP) 16 Feb 2010 9:01pm
Hi Everyone - I'd like to share some advice and I hope that everyone can take something from this. Read on for some tips and advice...
Why am i doing this? I have no idea lol but enjoy...
POWER * you don't have to pull the stick back and shoot - you can simply right click on the power bar on the left where you want the power to be...then release
* From the bottom up on the power bar, there are 5 sections...think of each section as 20 percent intervals. (i.e. 3rd rung up is 60 percent power)
(You can run a clean table without ever using more than 40 percent power - I PROMISE)
* Don't hit it harder than you need to - EVER * unless of course you like scratching lol
HOW MUCH POWER DO I NEED? * Horizontal - you can hit it from one end of the table to the other with 40 percent power * Vertical - you can hit from one end of the table to the other with 20 percent power * Draw a line down the middle of the table - it's actually two equal's all math
AIM * To fine tune your aim, use the ARROWS on your keyboard * If the aim does not look right...simply spin the stick around and around until it does look right
ENGLISH * If you really want to have the MOST control over the shot, save the English for LAST.
This is the Order to shoot most effective 1st - AIM 2nd - Power / English simultaneously * I think about how much power i need...then pick out an EXACT spot on the table to leave the ball, then put the english accordingly
BE CONSISTENT with your Power Level Choice..Then you will be able to better remember how much english you'll need
- I like to practice using JUST enough power...I have found that ENGLISH can and will substitute for power..... In other words, you can control it as good or better with your english than with your power
Posted by
17 Feb 2010 3:39pm
when i first started i used a ruler for all my shots actually helped me but after doing it for so long i could just tell when its in or they say practice makes perfect 
Thanks The Gospel
Posted by
(TD) 18 Feb 2010 3:46pm
This just might help me. I've been wanting to play ... but haven't found the patience. With these tips it just might do the trick. Thanks! Pearle
Posted by
18 Feb 2010 11:16pm
When Broker took me under his wing one afternoon, my understanding of this game elevated to a whole new level. The tips he posted here, are the exact pointers he gave me. I put them to use and as he implied, my rating took and maintained an increase of at least 100 pts. Plus, I wasn't afraid to play the big dogs becuz I knew more than just basics. Thank you R, you made this such a grander pleasure for me!
Posted by
(VIP) 19 Feb 2010 1:10am
good stuff ...tks for sharing....i remember the ole ruler days
Posted by
(VIP) 22 Feb 2010 7:32pm

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